Friday, January 31, 2020

Progressive journalism is under attack. By Emily Singer The American Independent

Trump and his Republican Party of the Trump Cult have accelerated the pace, they had to.  For over 3 years they have be going about tearing up and then to rewrite the Constitution so it conforms not with a Democracy, but an Autocratic one party dictatorship. They will say and do anything tho defend the undefendable. They will stop at nothing to keep this criminal on the throne for his guilt,  his shame, Trump's crimes and abuses are also theirs.  They have placed Trump and in turn themselves above the law and above the rest of US. They have told Trump and Trump was eager for the recognition acceptance of his God like status, indeed, to not believe Trump is not the " Chosen One" make You and I enemies of Our Own Country.

To want this greedy racist ignorant presidential MORON to answer for his many sins and crimes makes me a liberal socialist a bad evil person and all that is further from the truth I am an American and I see TRUMP and the GOP KILLING OUR COUNTRY !

An Interesting Take: By Benjamin Whitney Winthrop Shallop

Benjamin Whitney Winthrop Shallop

As much as it pains me to say it, I must admit that I prefer there be no witnesses in the Senate Trial. Better this farce be blatant than to lend it any shred of credibility. 

No amount of witnesses or evidence will ever convince the Republicans in the Senate to stand up to this tyrant and do right by their country. I could opine on the reasons why....cowardice, racism, corruption each could be explored in great detail, but the end result would be the same: they will not only not act against a tyrant, they will gleefully cheer at the fall of the Republic governed by the rule of law and the rise of a dictatorship governed by the whims of a narcissistic psychopath. Given the foregone conclusion it is blatantly obvious that any witness, any real exploration of evidence, would only serve to legitimize this monstrosity...and I have no desire to legitimize any of this. Let it be shown for the farce it is.

This is not to say our Republic is dead, just that it is critically endangered. Whether or not the Republic is dead will be up to all of us this November. It’s not enough to vote, you must volunteer, make calls, knock doors, donate to organizations that get the vote out, register voters and do everything you can to actively engage in the democratic process. Do everything you can to ensure this Orwellian Cliche and all his enablers are defeated come November or hail Caesar and kiss your Republic goodbye....there is no middle road.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I could not have said it better myself

In a Boston Globe Sunday column entitled  "When doing the right thing no longer matters"  and written by Michael Cohen, a Globe columnist, I quote some of that which
describes the ever so sad impeachment saga.  Everyone including most Republicans I estimate know beyond a shadow of a doubt
this president is profoundly guilty of impeachable offenses.  We know he will never be held accountable because of a simple fact that the Democrats do not hold the majority
in the Senate where he is being tried.

The saga we know will end with the corrupter and liar in chief never being held to account for the plethora of unconstitutional deeds he has committed.  Worse than that
though are the thoughts contained in Cohen's editorial.  They are in pertinent part the following:

"HE'S GUILTY ... is THERE REALLY ANY DOUBT?  With those words Thursday evening, Representative Adam Schiff, the lead prosecutor in the in the Senate
impeachment trial of Donald Trump, summed up the totality of the case against the president.   Over the course of three days Schiff and his colleagues
offered overwhelming evidence that Trump abused his office for personal gain.

The case was so overwhelming, in fact, that the president's allies haven't even bothered to seriously rebut it. 

Yet, Senate Republicans could seemingly not care less.  They've dismissed the House managers case as "nothing new" or said it doesn't amount to evidence
of wrongdoing.  They've voted down motions allowing for new witness testimony and the subpoenaing of documents.  They will almost certainly vote to acquit him --
perhaps as soon as this week.

This outcome is as certain as Trump's guilt.

Why are they doing it?  The most obvious answer is that they want to keep their jobs.  The more distressing one is that there's little incentive for them to think
about anything else.

Every Republican senator knows that turning on Trump means putting their political careers  in peril.  And for those in seemingly safe seats -- and not up for reelection
this year -- removing Trump from office would likely produce a bloodbath for Republicans at the polls. 

Even for those Republicans who are retiring there is little to be gained from demanding witnesses or subpoenaing documents. ... Who needs the aggravation of doing the right thing,
when there is seemingly no penalty for doing the wrong thing?

Indeed, if there's any lesson we've learned over the past several years, it's that for the most powerful and well connected among us, the consequences for bad behavior are few
and far between. 

Destroy the economy -- keep your millions in bonuses and certainly don't face criminal charges.

Advocate torture, support a disastrous war -- remain a respected voice on foreign policy.

Repeatedly lie to the American people -- go on "Dancing with the Stars"

Brag about grabbing women by their genitals -- become president.

As Harvey Weinstein's trial for rape began last week, how many of the people who enabled his sexual assaults and harassment had lost their jobs or paid
a price for what they had done? How many of Jeffrey Epstein's enablers have been held accountable.

But worse than the lack of accountability for bad acts are the downsides of acting courageously.

In 2018, Christine Blasey Ford went public with charges of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  Now Kavanaugh has a lifetime appointment
to the highest court in the land and Ford was forced to move four times because of threats. ...

In a society where acting with integrity and courage destroys careers and bad acts are quickly brushed under the rug, there is little incentive to do the right thing."

I URGE  YOU TO READ THE OPINION IN ITS ENTIRETY ON PAGE K 1 IN THE SUNDAY GLOBE or posted below.  I could not have said it better myself!  

Sunday, January 26, 2020

GOP Senators Face Threat: ‘Vote Against the President and Your Head Will Be on a Pike’ -- My Comment: A Medieval prison

Narcissistic sociopath Trump's reign of terror is ugly and brutal.   If I were a Republican I would want either out of this Medieval prison or I would want to get together with those Republicans who know this present day Torquemada's power must be stopped. It is only then that what is in truth his weakness masquerading as draconian barbarity will be rendered impotent to hurt or to threaten them no more.

Those Republicans that support him and agree to go along with his cruel demands simply empower him to bully all of them without end. There should be a revolt within the Republican Party to render this sickening man powerless so that he will not bully them or anyone anymore.

Who would have the courage within the Republican Party to free themselves and others from the madness that is Trump?  Like dominoes they should fall from his stranglehold and in doing so save this nation and the world!

Friday, January 24, 2020

HuffPost Adam Schiff: 'Dangerous' Trump Must Be Removed -- MY COMMENT: THIS LINCOLNESQUE SPEECH MUST BE HEARD


Scroll down to the bottom of the link

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Trump Removes Pollution Controls on Streams and Wetlands

That ignorant bas&^% is deliberately trying to kill us. I loathe him more than I have words to express. It's an outside guess that the dastardly impact of this will be felt when Drumpf is not in the presidency so it will be felt in the next generation and the one after that. I hope someone mounts a strong objection to this. It is unconscionable!!

For your children's sake and for their children who come after them write Senators who are Republican about this noxious thing Trump is doing. Tell them to prevent this then tell them to IMPEACH AND CONVICT THEN VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN THE TICKET!!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Magnificent I Have a Dream speech--Martin Luther King, August 28, 1963

I place the I have a dream speech here in its entirety below.  It is one of the greatest speeches in American History and for those of us who have empathy especially in view of the dastardly presidency of Donald Trump which has enveloped our nation it guarantees us to shed a tear.  He and those who defend Trump  have spit on our Constitution.  Listen to this speech by the great Martin Luther King and hope our nation can reverse all that has been done by Trump and his Republicans to erase equality for all people in this country who have worked so hard to get it.  We who yearn for justice share Martin Luther King's dream!

From Martin Luther King, Barack Obama to Trump

I watched and listened again to the Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream" speech delivered at the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. The speech in magnificent totality ends by saying:

"... we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual

Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God almighty we are free at last"

tears rolled down my face.  My tears were composed of equal ingredients happy and sad. Tears of happiness because the nation until the present time had worked to achieve some of King's dream.  The 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson SCOTUS decision which said separate can be in fact equal was overturned by the 1954 Brown v. the Board of Education momentous decision that found separate is inherently unequal paving the way for the integration of public schools across the nation.  Further efforts were made to root out the decidedly unfair and unjust consequences of being born black in this country such as the 1967 Loving v. Virginia another SCOTUS decision allowing interracial couples to love whom they choose and marry if they want.  More decisions rained down ensuring one's birth could not dictate where one chooses to live, eat or what section in a movie theater one decides to sit. 

The Alabama bus boycott of 1955 initiated by Rosa Parks who bravely refused to sit in the back of the bus helped erase the noxious rule that black people had to sit in the back of the bus because the front was reserved for whites. Ultimately landmark civil rights law would be enacted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.  When one examines the advancement of persons of color through the present one is heartened by the immense progress that has been made.  The election of the first black president of the United States, Barack Obama, would become a seminal moment in the struggle for civil rights that was previously thought unthinkable and impossible.  It became not only thinkable but quite possible. 

How on God's earth did this nation achieve all the aforementioned equality and then elect, perhaps, the most malevolent, evil, racist and corrupt president in US history, Donald Trump?  A closeted hateful white supremacist and malignant narcissist calling himself a right wing nationalist became its 45th president ignoring the win of a Democrat by using the archaic electoral college to bypass a popular Democratic victory and place him in office.  While my tears are those of part happiness sadness still composes them as our republic now sits teetering in precarious balance because no law and no court decision in favor of human rights can erase the deep entrenched white racism that has always existed in this land. It is why the Republican Party today and its leadership are nearly all white. 

The journey from slavery to freedom is still long and while the the arc of freedom bends towards justice it can also back up and reverse itself into many years of social injustice yet again.  Donald Trump has given voice to the heretofore voiceless white supremacists, Proud Boys, Ku Klux Kansmen, gun advocates, well armed militias and other right wing extremists ready to sing Dixie while they threaten and advocate the overthrow of this nation. He calls some American Nazis and tiki torch carriers good people as good as those protesting them.  Sorry, Mr. Trump Nazi's are not good people. They are vicious anti Semites, racists and they are killers.

Hitler was a white nationalist.  Right wing Nationalism is mean, it is cruel, it is evil and it stands gun ready to overthrow the government of this country sanctioned by the dog whistle of this nation's historically worst president who says he can shoot someone in Time Square and get away with it.  He is being impeached on this day to see whether he can get away with other nefarious activities through the entire control of a Republican Party which loves money and power over truth and allegiance to the ideals of this balance of power nation.  His henchmen in that party and he need to be electorally crushed because impeachment conviction by a Republican majority Senate seems impossible. 

I want to hear our words to a new spiritual.  Free at last, free at last thank God almighty we are free of the curse of Trump at last!

Thousands Of Pro-Gun Activists And Far-Right Extremists Swarm Richmond, Virginia

Who the heck is trying to steal their precious guns for which the white supremacists think the government is coming? This is ridiculous. Look how long it has been taking after the Sandy Hook horror killing of 26 people 20 of whom were children to get simple legislation which would make background checks mandatory.

Sure the psychotics among the gun rights demonstrators in VA of which I can guess there are a number surely do not want background checks. Sorry, I do. In no way do I think lawmakers would touch the holy Second Amendment. Perish the thought. The Founders included the Second Amendment because coming from the perils of a monarchy and being 13 small colonies they wanted to make sure a dictatorship never developed by having a well regulated militia like the modern National Guard to defend them from that.

I aver our Founders never thought we would become a nation of 350 million people many of whom are in love with their guns. Our government will never (if Trump is defeated) turn into a raging dictatorship or monarchy. If I could wave a magic wand I would monitor those who want to buy a gun and further eliminate those tissue tearing weapons of war like the assault rifles. Unfortunately I am a lonely Democratic liberal who realizes this nation simply loves its guns. I wish it loved people as much!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Trump may not be removed by the Senate — but he’s still terrified of his trial. Here’s why

My Comment: This article below expresses exactly what I have been saying.  It is beautifully written and is right on point.  Why is Trump's base even in view of the fact that Trump's economic policies do not show that he gives a rat's petuti for their economic interests but really only cares about the interests of the top 2% as his permanent tax cuts for the rich show as do the trade tariffs which have wreaked havoc on farmers and others in the middle and working classes. So why do they support him no matter what he does, no matter how unethical he is, no matter how many crimes he commits and no matter how much he destroys our system of checks and balances the Founders so brilliantly bestowed upon us over 200 years ago.  The answer of course lies in racism, sexism and homophobia.  As long as Trump delivers on those things which he does his nearly all white base will continue their allegiance no matter if he betrays their social and economic class. This author below sees it the same way and writes about it more completely: 

Written by / January 17, 2020

Donald Trump is scared. The Senate trial following his impeachment for a blackmail and campaign cheating scheme starts next week, and it’s driving him to distraction. He was supposed to host a lame event at the White House on Thursday to bolster fake concerns that white evangelicals are being oppressed, but blew off pandering to his strongest supporters for an hour, likely because he couldn’t pry himself away from news coverage of the impeachment trial’s kickoff. After ending the event swiftly, Trump then tweeted angrily, “I JUST GOT IMPEACHED FOR MAKING A PERFECT PHONE CALL!”
(As with most things the president says, this was untrue — he was impeached weeks ago, in December.)

Trump’s cold sweats are significant, because everyone who has been following this case knows that the Senate will acquit him. Not because he’s innocent — no one who has actually consulted the evidence is foolish enough to believe that — but because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republicans who control the Senate decided long ago that they would cover up for their shamelessly corrupt president no matter what he does. With such an assured outcome, Trump’s fears seem overblown and silly, even for someone crippled by sociopathic narcissism and its accompanying paranoia.

But it’s also true that high-profile travesties of justice, such as the one Senate Republicans are currently preparing to commit, can often provoke major political backlash. Getting a jury to acquit the obviously guilty can, as history shows, cause a public that’s already outraged about the crime to get even more furious. That, I suspect, is what Trump is sweating.

What the Senate is about to do is akin to the practice of jury nullification. That’s where a jury decides that either they don’t think the crime should be a crime at all, or that they believe people like the defendant should above the law, and so refuse to convict no matter how guilty the defendant is. This something that in theory, and sometimes in practice, can be used for good as when a jury refuses to throw someone in prison for a low-level drug offense, or refuses to enforce a law restricting free speech. But historically in the U.S., jury nullification has tended to be used to uphold injustice and reinforce racist or sexist systems of power.

In other words, exactly what Senate Republicans are planning to do. That becomes more obvious every day as more evidence of Trump’s guilt comes out, from the revelations by Rudy Giuliani’s former associate Lev Parnas to the Government Accountability Office declaring that Trump broke the law by withholding military aid to Ukraine.

The most disturbing and frequent historical examples of jury nullification come from the Jim Crow South, where it was normal for all-white juries to acquit Klansmen and others who committed racist murders — not because they genuinely believed they were innocent, but because they believed it should be legal for white people to murder black people in cold blood.

The most famous of these cases was that of Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, two white men who murdered a black teenager named Emmett Till in Mississippi in 1955. That the men had committed the crime was not in doubt — they described the murder in great detail to a reporter for Look magazine. But the all-white, all-male jury refused to convict, and didn’t really bother to hide the fact that they did so because they didn’t think white men should be punished for killing black people.

Unfortunately, this problem of white jurors refusing to convict in cases where the victims are black has not gone away. For instance, in the 2012 Florida killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, a nearly all-white jury voted to acquit Zimmerman, even though Martin was apparently just walking home after buying some snacks and Zimmerman had been warned by a 911 operator not to pursue him — and even though Zimmerman’s only basis for suspecting Martin of anything was his race. The one woman of color on the jury has since publicly lamented the process and describes what sounds a lot like bullying from the white women in the room.

The defendants in those cases walked free, but the outrage that followed had political ramifications. Till’s murder helped draw national attention to the evils of the Jim Crow South and helped bolster support for the burgeoning civil rights movement. Martin’s murder, decades later, helped build support for what became known as the Black Lives Matter movement.

Sometimes the backlash to injustice can be earth-shaking, as happened in 1992, when Los Angeles was torn up by riots in the wake of the acquittal by a majority-white jury of four cops who were caught on video severely beating Rodney King, a black motorist they had pulled over for speeding.

These are all racially loaded cases, of course, which sets them apart from Trump’s impeachment over his efforts to cheat in the 2020 election and his cavalier willingness to use government resources to force foreign leaders to help him do so. Trump’s inevitable acquittal in the Senate won’t be quite the gut-punch so many people feel when white men get sprung for committing racist crimes.

Still, the social circumstances of Trump’s upcoming acquittal go straight back to those same forces of white supremacy that have led to so many other travesties of justice in the past. After all, the main reason Senate Republicans are averse to taking what seems to be an easy way out — convicting the obviously guilty Trump and letting his Republican Vice President, Mike Pence, take over — is because they fear crossing the notoriously loyal Trump base, who represent their only possible chance of holding onto the Senate or retaking the House this November.

And the reason that base is so loyal, as with many things in this country, relates to racism. Trump’s base is motivated by what sociologists delicately call “racial resentment,” which is a nice way of saying that these white people see changing demographics in the U.S. and growing challenges to white domination, and they’re angry about it. Furthermore, they see President Trump, a blatant and shameless racist, as their best weapon to fight to preserve a system of white supremacy.

As long as Trump keeps delivering on the racism — which he has done in a myriad of ways — his base doesn’t care what crimes he commits. After all, Trump committed his crime to hang onto power so he can continue to inflict cruel racist policies on our entire nation. In that sense, this case shares a common root with those more explicitly racist acquittals of the past. They’re all part of the long and ugly American tradition of letting white people get away with crime, so long as they do it in the name of white supremacy.
But watching obviously guilty people get away with it can also have a galvanizing political effect, and not just when the crime itself is racially provocative. As the #MeToo movement and the Women’s March demonstrated, Americans have also been roused to outrage when men commit sexual assaults and get away with it. And the ongoing fascination with gangsters who finally get caught after evading justice for years — Al Capone, Whitey Bulger, John Gotti — suggests a real hunger to see bad guys pay for what they do.

That’s what Donald Trump fears: That his acquittal will not be read as an exoneration, but as yet another famous miscarriage of justice that leads to outrage across the nation. Let’s hope his worst fears come true.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I Pray for Our Nation

We all need  to work tirelessly to rid ourselves of the plague of Trump.  The latest is that Lev Parnas, Giuliani's go to man in Ukraine, working with another Republican low life from Connecticut has coughed up a trove of the most incriminating documents seemingly threatening the wonderful Ukrainian  Ambassador Yovanovich as they, if one can believe it, were monitoring her, her computer, her cell phone and her comings and goings in Ukraine and to remove her from office.  One might think we lived in a third world nation controlled by Mafia-like figures. 

The greatest gift we can bestow on the American people and us is to rid ourselves of Trump Corruption, Inc. either through impeachment conviction or by the secured vote. I ask all Dems and those who sympathize with us to monitor the vote to make sure Republicans do not corrupt it.  Republicans win when they cheat and Democrats stay home.  Get out the Democratic vote!
Look up the latest Trump fiasco in Ukraine, the subject of the Articles of Impeachment, to listen with incredulous ears to what has been going on with Trump minions in Ukraine.  It is guaranteed to make one ill.

I pray for our nation at this most unsettling time!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Russians Hacked Ukrainian Gas Company at Center of Impeachment--My Comment: from the inside out

This is so unacceptable in our democracy it makes my head explode. Where is the FBI, where are other institutions that should be preparing for something Mueller told us would happen? Russia will and is stealing the 2020 election for Trump.  Why am I not surprised?

This president will do all he can to allow Russia to do this encouraging Russian hacking those entities that could get Trump to steal an election yet another time to get him elected. This is an abomination. The FBI, the CIA, the NSC and Homeland Security should be working at this NON STOP to halt this Russian (or any foreign government) from attacking and interfering in this nation's democratic process. This is an act of war as if a nation dropped a bomb on it attempting to destroy it. Russia is desirous of pulling this nation apart and destroying it from the inside out

"Chris Cuomo Exposes Trump’s 2020 Strategy: ‘Keep People Pissed Off And Frustrated’

The CNN host said the president needs 'Orwellian double-speak' to win."

Monday, January 13, 2020

‘When They See Us’ Wins Big At Critics’ Choice Awards After Snubs -- My Comment -- It's about time

"When They See Us" wins at Critics Choice Awards after rejections: I cannot think of one film that deserves it more than "When They See Us." The horror of the Central Park jogger and the rush to white judgment arresting the wrong young black and Latino teenagers  is front and center about the dastardly issue of race in this nation. Persons of color have suffered since the first slave ship dropped off its accursed cargo in 1619 in Virginia.

Things change from generation to generation, of course, but being born black in this nation always was and still is fraught with danger and unjustifiable racism. Hollywood is finally waking up to the contribution persons of color have made. It's been a long journey from Gone With the Wind's Mammy to "How they See Us." All I can say is it's about time!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Soleimani's dead. Do I feel safer?

The assassinated Soleimani was a very big player next in line to the leader of Iran. A million Iranians came out to grieve him. Although he was an enemy of the US he was loved by many Iranians. Trump could have taken out anyone or secured the bases he says were under constant threat even though they cannot be named.  Whether one hates Soleimani or not, the order to assassinate him ratcheted up exponentially a widening war worry.  Worse, the jet liner that was either mistakenly or not-so-mistakenly taken out by an Iranian missile carries with it the possibility and fear of a rationale for a widening war. Iran is removing the evidence of the air crash so those neutral entities like Ukraine, Canada and even the NTSB from the US will not have important pertinent wreckage for analysis.

Further, Manuchin just announced new sanctions which will devastate the Iranian economy even more. I don't think Iran will simply say ho hum okay we understand. No, it is yet another provocative act by this incompetent administration to send chills down our spines.  Do I feel safer now that Soleimani is dead? Answer: No most definitely not!

Thursday, January 09, 2020

War With Iran Is Nothing To Worry About, Men Who Launched Iraq War Promise--My Comment: Iran Wins

Paul Wolfowitz, Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, Joe Lieberman and others, if one can believe it, the Iraq war lovers and promoters of the worst foreign policy decision in US history, Bush's decision to invade Iraq on a lie creating chaos in that region are trying to justify it again and a war with Iran to boot. Do they think we are morons? A war of hell in Iraq we are still waging occupying Iraq after 20 years, the ramifications of which we are still suffering, deaths of our troops and Iraqis numbering in the hundreds of thousands and a Shia ally created for Iran since Sunni Hussein of Iraq hated Iran and had a war with it! Now Shia Iran owns Shia Iraq.

These Cretans STILL are coming back to push an immoral, unethical war based on lies, the Iraq War. Did they leave their conscience on the cutting room floor when they were born? These jerks have zero credibility!! America, GET INFORMED BEFORE YOU ACQUIESCE TO ANOTHER WAR, ONE WITH IRAN, THAT WILL DECIMATE THIS NATION, costing TRILLIONS more in bucks and thousands more in blood. Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren to be in that region for 20, 30, 40 or even 100 additional years costing trillions more for which your progeny will have to pay?

Leaders pushing your children to fight and die in war means that you must question everything asking who is advocating for it and what do they have to gain. Most importantly have these pushers of war ever fought in battle before or like our mendacious so called "president" did they yell bone spurs and weasel out of serving in Vietnam getting an educational deferment four times and a so called "medical" deferment once.

My conclusion: War is hell, cost trillions and kills millions. The weak caretaker government of Iraq is simply another proxy for Iran. Iran wins!

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

New York City medical examiner who reviewed the photos of Jeffrey Epstein obtained by ‘60 Minutes’ argues that it doesn’t add up to suicide.

Jeffrey Epstein's death does not add up to suicide.  Big surprise. Jeffrey Epstein knew too much about too many powerful white men around not only the country but the world. I have thought for a long time that this was a Mafia-like hit job and not a very well done one at that. The camera that photographed who went in and out of his cell was broken. Epstein's neck was fractured in an unusual way commensurate with murder not suicide. His cell had clean orange sheets strewn throughout it but his neck in the autopsy showed thin bloody lines more appropriate of wire.  Moreover, he had no one in his cell at all when he was supposed to have a cell mate. These omissions occurred when Epstein was such a high value prisoner. One would think they would have moved heaven and earth to protect him.

Who would do something so ugly and illegal as murder or direct others to do it?  One can speculate orders came from on high but how high?  There must be evidence.  It is only speculation because too many things do not add up. Truthfully, though, it is like pulling teeth for those in the executive and/or Republican sphere to conform to investigation and law for the "smaller" things much less allow an investigation for murder. It would, it seems to me, be stopped at every turn.

What would it take to conduct a proper investigation and go after wherever the signs point?   My guess is it will never happen. The only one with a vested interest in justice is the brother of Jeffrey Epstein, Mark Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein never married and seemingly had no children.  The only relative that could vie for a prosecution is Epstein's brother Mark. Maybe someone somewhere believes in justice. Jeffrey Epstein deserves what he got but the prosecution of a case for murder seeks justice against those who would perpetrate such a crime.

Justice, justice, justice that is all I want for the perpetrators of massive crimes against our nation and crimes against humanity whether it is for the illegality of the quid pro quo hold on weapons for Ukraine or the massive blunder that now is Iran. Lives are at stake.

Hispanic children and families in cages at the border are held and dying every day at the hands of the cruelest, most immoral and unethical Cretan who is our so called president.  He must be removed from office whether through the Constitutional means of impeachment and conviction or at the ballot box.  Vote blue everywhere you can.  Remove, too, immoral and unethical Republicans who are blocking trial in the Senate and blocking transparency of crucial evidence.

Remove Republicans from office everywhere you can.  Save our nation and, indeed, our planet from eternal destruction.

Sunday, January 05, 2020

Before Emmett Till, 23-year-old George Armwood was dragged from jail, hanged and burnt in 1933. My Comment

The examples of racist actions against persons of color in this nation are heartbreaking. Who could ever perpetrate a violent act against a human being only because their skin is dictated by melanin DNA? It's ridiculous on its face. Nonetheless it is the essence of who some of us are. I did not learn its reality until my college years. I remembered though a girl in my high school class who was a person of color and also was running for secretary of the class. When she told me she was running she said she knew she would not win. I asked her why. She said at that time because she was black. I was incredulous because she was extraordinarily smart and nice. She was also right because she did not win as she knew she would not. It makes me sad that I did not realize it then but surely I do now. Black people in this nation have been much sinned against. I can only do what I can do and vote for those who understand racism's place in US history and make sure I do not perpetuate the sin!

Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran -- My Comment -- Coming soon to a theater near you.

Oh sure God sent a sexual predator, a liar, an extreme narcissist, a spasmodic antiSemite and a general racist to this nation to save Israel.  Trump knows nothing and reads nothing. The assassination of the Iranian major force Soleimani will surely not expedite peace in that region or help Israel.  In fact, it will promote more violence.  Our Secretary of State is as delusional as Trump.

The mentally incompetent unfit-for-the-presidency Trump has ensured the fact that this nation without democratic allies alienated by Trump will be at war with a nation Iran almost 4 times the size of Iraq and with twice as many people.  "Iran has over 5 times as many military personnel as Iraq" according to Capitol Comments.  We know how swimmingly the war in Iraq went for the US as thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were sacrificed for a lie. The US is still there.  The war in Iraq destabilized the entire Middle East region. A war with Iran will do the same except by multiples. 

After the defeat and removal of Sunni Saddam Hussein, Iraq has been ruled by Shia, the Sunni adversary.  The Iran/Iraq war cost more than a million lives.  Iran would be willing to lose many lives in its war with the US.  Iraq has become a proxy state for Shia Iran and has a caretaker government that will act on the command of Iran hitting US troops at Iran's will.  Iraq may even kick out all American military personnel.

The assassination of Soleimani is making and will make the Middle East world more explosive and will have implications for millions on every continent.  Iran has proxy states all over the Middle East and, in fact, the world to do Iran's violent bidding wherever it wants and at a time of its choosing. 

The war weary US cannot and I aver will not endure yet another decades long endless Middle East war costing trillions with the potential for even the ultimate involvement of other adversarial world powers such as China and Russia on the side of Iran.  The US by this one careless, impulsive, foolhardy action by Trump going against, we now know, many of Trump's advisers to the extent he has any left, assassinating Soleimani, in Iran a much loved and powerful leader who commanded insurgents all over the world will do nothing but create more violent explosions and the US knows not where or when.  Indeed, Soleimani has already been replaced.

There will be more eternal war without end and with no plan either to proceed or for an exit coming to a theater near you soon! 

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Trump is now facing two significant foreign policy crises — and he has nowhere to turn for help

I am afraid we are in real trouble. The Beast does not have a clue. He is in way way way over his head.  N. Korea knows it and is taking advantage of it expanding its nuclear force. If I were S. Korea or Japan I would be shaking in my boots. The US cannot be trusted to protect either let alone itself. 

According to Alternet:  "Likewise in Iran, Trump’s failure is also on display. He tore up the Iran deal President Barack Obama had established with no good justification, insisting that being tough on the country could induce it to accept even more punishing terms. But the international community largely rejected Trump’s abandonment of the deal, leaving the United States isolated on the issue. And Trump seems no closer to a new deal with the country than he ever was."

Trump as most of us know is a fraud and a conman.  He was able to con 1/2 of the white supremacist part of our nation because of his racist appeal to support him.  If one cannot see that this is true and is the greatest con ever told then you need eyes to see.

If the Republican Party would see that the life of our nation is at stake as are the many lives Trump would sacrifice then we might have a shot at ending this nightmare.  This should be passed to every Republican congressman or woman it is  possible to get that they should do an about face, save the lives of themselves, their families and remove this cancerous core at the center of our body politic!

Democrats' 2020 split risks handing Trump a big advantage


Pass this on to anyone you know so that they can save their lives and the lives of those they know and love!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...