Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Leader Obama Wanted to Become and What Became of Him

An interesting view of the Obama presidency so far and one which I am loathe to admit. The author Professor David Bromwich may, however, speech some truth worthy of a spot on my blog.

SUNK: Why I care

My heart sank as I heard last evening about the Florida Congressional House loss of Alex Sink in close race of a bellwether election. I thought the Democrats' ability to take back the House in 2014 to pass legislation that matters for the nation is at risk BUT as a caveat I am told by a Democratic colleague "There was an "independent" who took the rest and it is said he took votes away from Sink. Otherwise Sink would have won. The GOP spent $5MN + - highest in the history of any house race. This was a special election and I believe the winner has to run again in Nov 2014." 

The obstructionist Republicans want this president's legacy, if they can get nothing else, to be failure. They ultimately want nothing less than a takeover of every branch of our government. THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN.

Here is why I care:
I care because I care about those who by dumb luck did not get handed life's good luck. I care because I do not believe we are put on this earth in this nation to sink or swim on our own. I care because I believe we ARE our brother’s keeper and because I believe in the success of FDR’s New Deal and ALL the New Deals that have taken place after that.

The Republican Party has devolved into the Party of the 1% richest in this nation using its endless money pit and populist rhetoric filled with lies to dupe mostly aging low information whites, religious fanatics and Confederate sympathizers of the old south to support their cause. The Republican Party is now the right wing extremist Party of white nationalists who will stop at nothing to take what the middle class and the poor have worked so hard over centuries to achieve.

Here is what you stand to lose if Republicans take all three branches of the US government over time:

Eradication of the Affordable Care Act which is bringing health insurance to those who had none and saving lives Republicans do not care to save;
Social Security – they want to privatize it;

Medicare—they want deform it with vouchers;

Medicaid—they want to eradicate it;

Private Enterprise rights over civil rights—they want each state to decide if they want to discriminate even if it means not serving minorities at a lunch counter or restaurant with the ultimate elimination of the 1965 Civil Rights Act;

The reversal of Roe v. Wade eliminating a woman’s right to choose her own family planning fate, who for numerous medical and other reasons seek abortion relegating them to the back alley abortionists of yesteryear who blood poisoned and through infection killed thousands and reduced women sometimes even to sterility;

Returning Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy to the military so gays must live in fear of Putin-like policy and, yes, even elimination from society at large by imprisonment;

Codifying Constitutionally-based discrimination;

Re-instituting the Defense of Marriage Act;

Capturing the judiciary with extremist right wing judges;

Promoting a culture of guns even for 5 year olds and even in our schools;

Ad infinitum eternal war and a bloated military budget;

Relegating women to second class pay status;

Eradicating unions that protect workers;

More tax cuts for the rich which will NEVER trickle down to you;

Deregulating the economy-crushing Wall Street and returning business to a pre Great Depression and Great Recession status;

Never passing a minimum wage;

Eradicating unemployment benefits;

Denying science and the catastrophes we already have suffered from man induced climate change including severe drought, severe storms, tornadoes, floods, fire, ice and snow;

Denying the fact of evolution so that new biological discoveries which will save lives will not happen; teaching the mythological creationism as fact-based non science;
Eliminating government’s disease fighting and disease tracking efforts by severe cuts to the NIH and all government regulatory agencies like the EPA;

Eliminating mental health government-sponsored studies;

Proliferating dirty oil and fracking that have polluted so much of the nation and setting it literally on fire;

Failing to seek alternative clean energy;

Leaving our infrastructure to decay.

I care because of all these things and more.

Our nation, if Republicans are given power, will not survive and in short we are SUNK.
It is why I care and why we MUST work hard to elect Democrats throughout the land in 2014 and beyond!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...