The messenger of
hate, Trump, has plowed the hoards of hate into our "give me your tired
your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" nation. He is a
man so cruel, so mean, so mendacious and so disordered but has been given the reins of extreme power
by know nothings who literally know nothing and are fooled by his con.
Because he is the extreme narcissist and because he has built a
sadistic room in his Republican Party for the kings of cruelty whose
main mission in life is to exclude and/or kill the other especially if
their skin is brown or their ethnicity Jewish; because his main
objective in his dogmatic rule is to eschew democracy and embrace
authoritarians; because he wants to build a wall to keep a suffering
humanity out and not welcome them in to save their lives from certain
death; because he leaves democratic allies in the dust for them to go it
alone and face certain obliteration at the hands of much stronger
despots; because he writes in concentration camp form numbers on the
arms of brown children captured seeking asylum at the US border and
keeps them jailed in the dessert separated from their parents with no
end of this cruelty in sight; because the ugliness that spews out of his
mouth that can speak nothing else; because his eyes do not read and his
brain does not question; and because his heart does not empathically
feel, I am, like few other times at a loss for words strong enough to
condemn this beast of madness nor can I explain how those who claim to
love this nation turn their back on the precepts for which it stands and
for which so many have bled.
thought of writing today, Christmas Eve, what I said as a fifth grader
when the teacher asked us to tell her what Christmas meant to us. Being
a Jewish girl I knew or rather my parents told me that we did not
celebrate Christmas but even in my ten year old mind that soaked up the
culture around I knew Christmas was not really about the
collection of material goods nor was it about ostentatious
superficiality. I knew Christmas was about Christ and that Christianity
was about his message. How did a Jewish girl who was not supposed to
celebrate Christmas understand the true meaning of the day? The answer
to that is I don't know but I did, I loved it and, in its pure form, I
still do.
truth is, as I see it, Christianity without its man-made political
extremes hell bent on waging war against Muslims, against Jews, against
Buddhists or against anyone who does not believe as they do is about
turning the other cheek when someone offends you; it is about forgiving
those who hurt you; it is about the thief or the prostitute being
promised redemption; it is about curing the sick, feeding the hungry and
clothing the naked; it is about loving the least of those who cannot
fend for themselves and it is about finding a way, a truth and a light
directing mankind from a path of destruction to a path of construction;
it is about the acceptance of the stranger. It is about treating your
neighbor as you would want to be treated yourself. In truth and
ironically, Christianity is really about everything that Trump is not.
The Prince of Peace if he were alive today would expect you to reject
hate and embrace love. That is the Christianity I love. I believe
Christ's Christianity would would expect nothing less.