Friday, November 22, 2019

Trump administration notifies owners it will survey land for border wall--eminent domain MY COMMENT

There are legal challenges against eminent domain but you can bet if Obama did what Trump is doing he would be impeached and convicted post haste.  Trump simply gets away with everything especially of a racist nature.  There is nothing that 40% of this nation will not do to crush people with brown or black skin and Trump is the leader for them. It is ugly but has been the underbelly of this nation until now when a fascist like creature from the depths of the sea managed to get elected. 

The loss of Hillary Clinton has had the most profound negative consequences. I keep thinking why did she not go multiple times to Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, the rust belt states she lost?  She should have but was so sure of getting their vote she passed.  Now we the middle class, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, gays, women to name a few groups are paying a hefty price.  We will pay with a loss of civil liberties and with a loss of progressive judges who can overrule racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist policy especially in the higher courts.  Most importantly, there is a constant worry about the complexion of the Supreme Court turning white supremacist too.  Trump has nominated over a hundred right wing judges some extremists and has had them confirmed by Republican Moscow Mitch McConnell rushing their confirmation through.

I wish I were not alive for this time in history as all the progress progressives have made for immigrants, women, gays, abortion rights, minority rights, health care and many more things have been and/or will be derailed if the Trump gets a second term.  Even the baton around the world is being turned over to authoritarian dictatorships since Trump has never seen a dictator he does not love and want to emulate. A second term of this plague Trump will, of course, mean more of a demise of this nation and Lady Liberty's light.  The light will be extinguished and this nation as we have always known it will cease to exist.  Climate change may save all of us the problem as the planet may die taking all of us with it before Trump can hair spray his sticky ugly fake blond hair.

Howard Zinn said to me it matters not how high the mountain is we must climb we must climb it nonetheless and never give in.  For now I will still climb it.  I will hope even when hope seems elusive that the 2020 election is a resounding defeat for Team Trump and we can take back the place of honor among nations we have relinquished to a criminal!


Jewish Groups Demand Stephen Miller Resign From White House+ My Comment

 I, a Jew, join those groups.

It is the height of incredulity that a man whose grandparents were Holocaust survivors and who owes his very existence to the defeat of the ethical horror of white nationalism in Nazi fascist regalia would be the cruel designer of the immigration nightmare of asylum seekers fleeing certain death in their country of origin and looking toward the US for help. They do not find help but they and their children too do find the malignity of imprisonment (and sometimes death) in the American version of concentration camp prison. 

Miller is like the Hitlerian beasts who were ultimately responsible for approximately 50 million killed in the theater of WWII. If I were to create a film about the rise of Nazism Stephen Miller could, right out of central casting, play Gobbles's or Himler's part!



  I wrote this last week and for the most part sat on it because I did not want my writing to imply anything against Israel. As stated agai...