Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Bending Toward Hate

Spicer claims in his  insipid press briefing comment that Hitler never used chemical weapons.

The Anne Frank Center released a scathing statement saying Spicer should be fired to which I concur.  It said:

"On Passover no less, Sean Spicer has engaged in Holocaust denial, the most offensive form of fake news imaginable, by denying Hitler gassed millions of Jews to death. Spicer’s statement is most evil slur upon a group of people we have ever heard from a White House press secretary,” the center’s executive director, Steven Goldstein, said. “Sean Spicer now lacks the integrity to serve as White House press secretary, and President Trump must fire him at once.”

Martin Luther King, Jr. said "We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice; not in love with publicity but in love with humanity."

It simply staggers the imagination that we now have a president who attracts and places in prominent positions people like Spicer and Bannon too.  There are surely more added to the Trumpian cause whatever that cause may be.  No one on planet earth could make such an ignorant comment unless in his heart he has an ideological Nazi-like bent.  I believe in his heart and many others in this polluted and corrupt administration believe exactly as he said too.  It is why the Alt Right in a forum stood with outstretched Nazi-like arms yelling hail to Trump. 

Instead of Spicer's heart bending toward justice it bends toward hate.  


Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...