Monday, December 11, 2017

Women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct speak out + my Comment

It says something that it takes SO MUCH EFFORT to try to make sure this depraved pedophile Moore does not get a seat in the Senate and to illuminate the President's own sex crimes. In any other western democracy Moore would be toast and the sex criminal assaulter and liar supreme Drumpf would never have been elected but in this land filled with stupids who say they are SO god fearing but would elect these morally putrid and fetid animals. Sorry that's saying an injustice to animals whom I love so lets say would elect these morally putrid and fetid Velopteraptor dinosaurs!


Explosion Reported Near New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal--And so it begins and/or continues?

Pure speculation on my part still I cannot help but think it could be that a rationale for this latest NYC bombing will be used for Trump declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. We will have to wait and see but these are the kinds of violent acts of retribution for President know nothing doing such an insipid and UNNECESSARY act declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel as he catered to his not too bright base!  The most unfair, unjust, unethical, murderously unconstitutional presidency in US history.  Will we ever get our reasonably just nation back again?

Welcome to an ignorant nation that would elect the depths of depravity Roy Moore to the US Senate and the most unqualified and unfit so called human to be elected president of the United States. 

Get smart, America, as one minute to midnight awaits.


Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...