Monday, October 02, 2006

MONEY MONEY MONEY: Is EVERYTHING about money? Everything? The middle and blue collar class everywhere and I do mean everywhere in this country should realize Republicans are NOT I repeat NOT about them. Republicans are about the very very very rich and simply USE the so called "moral issues" as a smokescreen to co-opt the middle and blue collar vote especially in the red states.

Those people need to wake up and smell the cinnamon rolls. Republicans are about dough alright but not that kind of dough. They are about money and LOTS of it. They are about contracts in Iraq, tax cuts for billionaires, they are about money with respect to employers of illegal immigrants, they are even about money where the Foley scandal is concerned, securing our ports, voting machines and they are about oodles of money where the Abramoff and congressional influence pedaling issues are concerned. How much more evidence does the American public need? One would have to have just emerged from under a rock not to see it.

Democrats are not perfect but they are a damn site better than Republicans where money and influence brokering is concerned. The Congressional balance of power MUST be changed quickly or this nation will go absolutely broke, hit again by a terrorist attack or both!

FOLEY FALLOUT: Foley's conduct and the "investigation" of it is completely utter hypocrisy of the highest order and the most disgusting of politics. Now so the Republicans won't have to convene the Ethics Committee meeting they are putting this investigation in the hands of the FBI Justice Department headed by Alberto Gonzales? Talk about the fox guarding the proverbial chicken coop. They are doing this so that they can stall until after the elections and hope that the Foley sex furor dies down by then. What utter hypocrisy.

If this were between adults in the workplace it would still be egregious because it is in the workplace milieu but I would not be nearly as upset. If it is a consenting adult I do not give a hoot about what they sexually do. Let's face it sex is here to stay we are animals afterall. There MUST be limits and sexually grooming an obviously UNDERAGE page who is an employee of the US government is out of bounds. Worse hypocrisy, Foley's time was spent protecting children from Internet predators! These are the same Republicans that are the morality in everything advocates. These are the same Republicans who want to pillory gays and strip them of their human rights. This is simply dripping with hypocrisy it is hard to wrap one's brain around. To make matters worse, if that is possible, the cover-up was immense involving the House's highest leadership in Dennis Hastert and others.

All, absolutely all of those involved in passing the buck to save Republican skin, after knowing about Foley for over a year, to save the fall elections should resign forthwith. Gonzalez should recuse himself and a special NEUTRAL prosecutor should be appointed to investigate. They would demand nothing less of Democrats you can be sure of that. It should mean the same thing for them.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...