Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What Composes a Man?

"Michael Cohen Says Trump Ordered Him To Illegally Interfere In Election"

What human beings of conscience would do such a thing to this nation? It is a betrayal of the highest magnitude yes, it is treason. We saw it in Helsinki when Putin stood smiling like the Cheshire Cat beside a compliant Trump. Trump has colluded with Russia to win an election.  This is the high crime of treason to this nation. How anyone could even think that this boatload of corruption would pass unnoticed I will never know. This is how stupid the Trump "administration" is. How anyone anyone at all could line their fortunes up with the authoritarian politics of a useful idiot and Manchurian candidate not to mention the corrupt politics of him is beyond reason.

What evil is in the hearts of men who should know better? I quote Christ often because what he said or is alleged to have said is profound:

"What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul?"

Not over yet--My Comment

See links below:  "The beginning of the end of the Trump presidency" and "Michael Cohen says Trump ordered him to illegally interfere with the election."

My Comment: Our electorate keeps electing Republicans that have ZERO ethics, do not care about human life and are war making violent. This bestial Trump has given even Nazis a "respectable" face. 

Our foreign policies post WWII create more problems not less and line up the regions of the world we invade against us. The Republican Party as it is now especially but even to a degree what it was MUST be taken down. They are killing (literally) this nation. George W. Bush looked good compared to the JERK now in the White House but in truth he invaded a nation Iraq that did nothing to us and did NOT have WMD. It set up a domino slide of violence throughout the entire Middle East. Now with the Jerk we are in a mess times 10 and that mess kills human life even our nation's best.

The American people must THINK THINK gd it as to who you are voting for and what the consequences of their policy might bring. Republicans as they exist today we can see clearly with our own eyes how devastating returning to a semblance of normal will be as Trump the Cretan will not go down easily even now when he is crucified by the persons that know him the best. Saint Mueller in you I trust because our national nightmare is not over yet.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...