"The National Weather Service corrected Trump to say there would be no
hurricane effects in Alabama. So Trump presented a Sharpie-altered map
falsely showing Alabama getting hit." When asked who drew a circle
around Alabama with the Sharpie he said as he said about authorizing
the sex silencing payments to Stormy Daniels and Susan McDougal. He
meekly said "I don't know." He does not know? How about if one takes a
wild guess and say it was Drumpf who authorized the payments and it was
Drumpf who drew a fake hurricane circle to include erroneously Alabama.
This may
seem like a minor lie but it is not minor. It would be
if this were the only thing about which he lied but he has lied over
12,000 during his presidency. It would be minor if people's lives did
not depend on accurate hurricane reporting. It would be minor if this
were not the
essence of this man. He is a pathological liar and a pathological
narcissist which makes him extraordinarily dangerous. His small hands
are within reach of the nuclear football. That is what makes all of
this a frightening nightmare.
His state department offers cash to Iranian
ship captains. It was authorized by Brian Hook of the State Department.
When Drumpf was told this his question was "Who is Brian Hook?" He
has no idea who is even in his State Department. This is NO joke. The
joke is on those of us who had the stupidity to be conned by this supremely
immoral man!