Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Bed of Thorns

Trump and his dastardly minions will never admit fault as his base will gladly accept all the lies he can dish out never questioning the veracity of a thing. That is sad because the fate of all of us, including those like I, who loathe the core of this mendacious man, hangs in the balance.

Taking a cocktail of his "good feeling" drugs like chloroquine, a drug designed for use in malaria and remdesivir, he "feels" are sound even if they can initiate heart attacks and death.  Children or young adults who might take these drugs may suffer an early unpleasant death also when otherwise they may have survived the virus. 

Shame on this unethical, immoral and cruel man who thinks about his own reelection bid and not the fact that there is death all around never asking what the federal government and he can do as the world's most powerful man to ameliorate the condition of the suffering masses.  He hands what should be a unified federal response back to the 50 individual states saying the federal government is not a "shipping clerk."  Really, Trump, really? 

Telling lies about this pandemic whether it be that the duration will be short when it will not, masks are on the way when they are not, Navy medical ships are being groomed into service when they clearly are not or, in the beginning, telling the nation that there is nothing to fear as the virus will run its course and wash over us as soon as the warmer weather ensues when it will last long after is tantamount to murder since many can and will die expecting the bed of roses that Trump dishes out so his polls will go up and while we receive nothing but a bed of thorns.

Pets --do NOT dump your pets -- Please read

From the animal shelter:

You cannot, I repeat you CANNOT get Corona virus from your pets. People are dumping their animals at shelters out of ignorance and fear-please please post this on your page or send it to whomever your choose.  

It is staggering to think that some would not know your animals do not get Corona nor pass Corona on.  Then again this whole saga is staggering to think we are not living in the Twilight Zone nor have leadership that knows what it is doing.  

Get your information on this virus from reputable sources and if you watch daily leadership advice be wary of everything you hear from them as dangerous exaggerations and lies are put forth every day.   Check your questions or information out at the National Institute of Health or even a hospital like MGH or other trustworthy medical sites.  Listen to TV stations that offer academic excellence and facts checked out by experts in the field of immunology and science like MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC or CBS.  Do NOT NOT NOT listen to Fox!

Post this on your FB page or send it to anyone you like!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...