LaVoy wrote one of the most cohereent blogs yet concerning the alleged
accusation that Sgt. Bergdahl said when he was initially captured that
he was ashamed of America:
John LaVoy · Top Commenter · Director of Educational Opportunity Center at University of Pennsylvania
John LaVoy · Top Commenter · Director of Educational Opportunity Center at University of Pennsylvania
think the question is a really, really good one. Joe Scarborough went
on an idiotic rant because Bergdahl indicated he was ashamed of America.
Ashamed of America? If you aren’t ashamed of America you haven’t
made an honest observation in a decade. American officials actually
justifying torture? America invading sovereign nations under false
pretenses. American wasting a hundred thousand lives and trillions of
dollars and getting absolutely NOTHING for it? America locking up more
people than any nation on earth. American judges selling children into
for profit prisons? America as the only developed nation on earth that
doesn't guarantee health care for its citizens. America as a place
where politicians actively and knowingly try to keep minorities from
voting. America accepting 30,000 gun deaths a year and doing nothing?
Americans cowering in fear of 5 out of the loop, fanatics living in
mountain caves 8000 miles away? Not being ashamed of America suggests
you have lost the capacity for shame.