Monday, April 25, 2022

David and Goliath

 Short of being in the middle of the Ukraine and Russian war crimes war I can only accept what those I trust who have been there are saying. We are still a democracy and free speech is our best shot at truth telling. I was skeptical of Secretary of State Blinken's statement yesterday after the Kyiv visit that Russia is failing in its war aims, and Ukraine is succeeding.  I trust our advocates of free speech to tell the truth and know for sure Putin is a consummate liar just like Trump. The visit yesterday of our two highest secretaries -- Secretary of State Blinken and our military expert and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin -- were shining examples of American commitment to Ukraine's winning this war for the protection of democracy and to crush the authoritarian war criminal Putin and his authoritarian state. In view of the powerful support of the US, other democracies and the Ukrainian superb resistance I am believing Blinken's statement that Ukraine will be there long after Putin's demise. [applause applauseimage.png]

I hope as the days pass and Ukraine wins it will be the world's win and Ukraine will go down in history as the greatest victory since David fought Goliath. This time a Ukrainian win will be a phenomenal victory for democracy and those who study war will marvel at the Ukrainian success and superb perseverance against the bloviating mammoth Russia for a very long time. And, oh by the way, in France the rightwing extremist fascist Marine LePen [yes, that is how she spells her name] lost by a very large margin. We breathe a sigh of relief!  Onward, to defeat in this country our own fascist threat, the Trumpians and their Republican allies who want power so much they are willing to take democracy down to get it.  Do not let them.  Vote Democrat up and down the ticket!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...