Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jersey City Shooting: Suspect Published Anti-Semitic Posts, Official Says

Since the administration of Donald Trump hate crimes across the nation have occurred in great numbers targeting a number of groups. Hate crimes against Jews have also increased where most places where Jews pray have security cameras and other preventive measures to try to prevent such attacks which heretofore have been thought unthinkable.

The president sets a national example and it is imprinted in its milieu. It is no accident that they are occurring with greater frequency during the presidency of Donald Trump. Just the other day he spoke to a group of Jewish real estate brokers. He with antisemitic venom said "A lot of you are in the real estate business because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers. Not nice people at all." In an era when the president cannot censor the gross, hate filled, vituperative and ugly comments that come out of his mouth it is no wonder the statistics on hate crime are trending up.

Trump to sign order to interpret Judaism as a nationality--This won't fly

I do not think this will fly withstanding a court challenge as Trump wants to stop universities from allowing on their campuses boycott, divestment and sanction protests against Israel. He cannot limit political protests on universities it is a first amendment right and will only serve to ratchet up anti Israeli protests on universities and elsewhere.  If one is Russian can the state stop anti Russia sentiment on colleges, universities and elsewhere?

It is particularly egregious and the height of hypocrisy as Trump just gave a speech loaded with antisemitic sentiments. It was awful calling Jews real estate Jews who are horrible people but must vote for Trump as they have no choice. He is devoid of thoughtful analysis, does not read, and is ignorant. He probably will do this to recapture the Jewish vote he alienated during his speech also saying some Jews do not support Israel strongly enough. Who the hell is he to tell anyone who to support or how strongly to support it? There still is the freedom to advocate or not for political sentiment and policy in this country at least for the moment.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...