Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ugly Nationalism

I omitted an important point in Trump's racist rule in my opinion yesterday entitled "My Words are Insufficient" and that is the racist component of Nationalism: Trump calls himself a "Nationalist."  Most in his sphere especially Trump, I am guessing, have not a clue what Nationalism means.  It sounds so intellectual though doesn't it?  Trump, indeed, is no intellectual.  He probably learned that term at the feet of Steve Bannon his once philosophical guru or Stephen Miller his extreme right wing racist advisor. 

Nationalism is often racist -- white racist and it is at its heart and most of all a punishing authoritarianism. It appeals to the many in nations who have a racist history and, too, have felt ignored in national policy and perceived by them demeaned and unappreciated in international sentiment.  It rules out of fear of the "other."  Trump calls himself a Nationalist but we know that means white nationalism. Nationalism means for Trump by his own words America First.  America First was used by the Nazi lover and, sad to say, American aviation hero, Charles Lindbergh.  America First adherents do not care whom they hurt or even kill to get what they want.  The followers who call themselves Nationalist must be unquestioning and submissive to the leader and authority. The penalty not to be so or to question him or those in authority to him can be, of course, in Trump's case removal of them from office or in "The Apprentice" like fashion fired! 

Nationalism is ugly; Nationalism was Nazi Germany; Nationalism was Mussolini's Italy and Nationalism was Franco's Spain. It is authoritarian, it is expansionist, it is cruel and it is murderous in its ideological intent. It seeks war and domination of nations and/or alliances with other authoritarian leaders. Democracy is its enemy.  WWII Nationalism at its end killed 50 and some say 70 million human beings world-wide. It makes no pretense about humane policy; it is not humane; it makes no pretense of being all inclusive. It is not all inclusive. It is exclusionary, separatist and racist.  In the US case it is America First but really means the leader and his henchmen first.  Right now the penalty for opposition to the leader is removal from a job or any angry puerile tweet.  Trump has removed so many they cannot be enumerated on a cable TV panels. Most positions in the Trump universe are "acting."  The impermanence of that means the leader Trump can change on a whim persons who occupy that office.  Trump demands total unquestioning loyalty and appoints those like Trump on this Nationalist path. He is singularly trying to destroy our balance of power system, placing the Executive branch Constitutionally first, Congress second and filling the courts with his right wing extremist lackeys whom he can be assured will do his bidding.  It is chilling that in two years he has been successful in near obliteration of this system of government's checks and balances while pitting one American against another stirring simmering racial animosities that heretofore have remained latent or within fringe groups vociferous.  Trump has given these racist groups an equal voice.

In reality we are and should be a global community interconnected in a thousand ways. Yes, we care about our own interests but must compromise and learn to play well with others. Trump's eradication of everything Obama will, I hope, ensure his failure.  Trump is a failure in business, failure in governing, failure in ethics, a failure in marriage, and an egregious failure in telling the truth.  Again RESIST Nationalism at all costs and save the world.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...