Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Firm Tied to Russian Oligarch Made Payments to Michael Cohen

June is busting out all over.  The chickens are coming home to roost. Massive explosions of hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments into an LLC that is tied to Michael Cohen revealed by Michael Avenati and others.  It's raining collusion. We as a nation are either going to be rescued or we are now massively in trouble.

The Iran deal that Drumpf just blew up we HOPE will not eventually blow up in our own faces; for the first time Americans could be running to the bomb shelters as the British did in WWII.  It can happen.  If Iran begins again developing nuclear capacity and we are minus allies another war in the Middle East this time against a formidable power Iran and Pakistan already has nukes.  The misfit Bolton who led us into the disaster that was Iraq said it himself.  That gutter snipe wants regime change again because after all Iraq went so swimmingly well--17 years and still blowing up. 

How many thousands more of our youth will die in Iran so that as Bolton insanely thinks we can dance into Tehran.  It is more than madness and Trump is more than alleged treasonous he is deplorably DEVASTATING to our nation!


An intellectually argumentative position -- Morning Joe

I loved the segment on Morning Joe which was an exchange between experts discussing the difficulties of having an intellectual discussion between groups with diametrically opposing positions but the desire to have those discussions nonetheless.

I am telling you why I, a liberal's liberal progressive on every issue, find it extraordinarily difficult to have a rational discussion with those who support Trump or those who support other right wing so called "conservative" positions.

I think the reason for the difficulty and the reason these discussions devolve into explosiveness ​is because the positions that so called conservatives take if
implemented would even deny life to minorities who have been trying for decades to be given a fair shake. For persons of color the issues are obvious. If conservatives
have their way they gerrymander districts, they use voter suppression techniques, they deprive people of government assistance and even CHIP for children assistance. If people who need the help are deprived of it death is not an outrageous possibility but conservatives do not care and, in fact, I may jump out on a limb here, some are happy about it. They want it to increase their ranks and decrease Democratic ranks. If persons of color are denied these rights both voting rights, civil rights and medical assistance these are the​ life threatening policies for which conservatives advocate. Conservatives want to return to a nation of the 1950s. Anti abortion efforts kill women by forcing them to have illegal quack abortions. They die, often, from blood poisoning. It's their own body they want to control and who is to tell them they cannot -- the state?

Anti gay initiatives are deadly. Sexuality is DNA determined. So called inhumane "conversion therapy" or praying the gay away doesn't work. Millions of people will be forced back into the closet of lies, denied the benefits everyone else takes for granted through marriage and other civil rights allowed everyone else but gays will be relegated yet again to a second class status where they must be afraid if anyone knows the subject of their personal affectation. It is depressing and it is why there were and even still are so many suicides among homosexuals who love one's own sex over the other. That fact cannot be changed. It's a question of love but the truth must be suppressed. That means death to those who merely want what everyone else wants -- happiness by having someone to love and love them back with all the rights that go with it.

Health care that should be a right is given only to those who have a job or can afford it and denied to the poor and denied in the past even to gay couples. This makes death a distinct possibility. As Alan Grayson​, the Democrat from Florida​,​ said if Republicans get their way make sure to die and die quickly. If Social Security and Medicare benefits for which people have worked and that sustain them in retirement years are demolished we die. It's that simple but Republicans do not care if we die; in fact, it means more for the top 2%. 

Those Republicans with whom I take issue treat minorities unequally to those things the majority takes for granted. It forces suicide as a sole option for those who cannot lift themselves up by their boot straps because they have no boots. Again, Republicans do not care. The empathy gene is vacant among Republicans.

Republicans views of war and peace are killing. How many wars have been promulgated by those who did not serve but based this nation's entry in them on lies that have killed thousands and forced now millions into refugee status. Republicans, however, do not want to give them refugee status. Where do the refugees go? They are shipped back to their own countries facing certain death. How is this fair and how does one argue nicely with those who want to inflict policies like that which do nothing less than discriminate and kill.

The Republican Party now bows ​its head to Nazis and says some are "fine people." One is running in California as a neoNazi for the Senate seat Diane Feinstein occupies. It is an anathema to tolerate that position or inhabit a Party that makes room for it. Other so called Alt Right candidates are running for positions around the nation. This cannot stand. It is inhumane and wrong.

Tell me how and I will adopt a more pacific stance in argument with Republicans but for now the administration of Donald Trump is more than lethal it is murderous. My blood pressure rises at the prospect of his getting away with all the illegalities --
​ some treasonous -- ​he ​allegedly ​has committed. It simply cannot happen but it may.

Men and Eric Schneiderman--Preliminary thoughts -- I don't get it

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...