Monday, October 02, 2017

Guilty -- to some of it but not all.

Nevertheless this is BRILLIANT!

Science and Sanity -- BLAME

I am going to attach blame for our latest disasters.  I blame Republicans for climate change and man's contribution to it as they advocate for filthy fossil fuels.  I blame right wingnuts denying man's contribution to this human life and planet destroying science affirming reality.  Houston, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and hundreds more disasters from tornadoes, to hurricanes, floods and droughts I lay at the feet of these Republican Cretans so big oil can line Republican pockets.  As usual it is all about the money.  The Drumpf presidency is about it as well.  It is milking the US of all the cash it can get away with sucking at the breast of the US taxpayer no matter how unethical and even allegedly illegal the conflicts of interest may be!

I blame the Nevada massacre on RIDICULOUSLY lax gun laws.  Nevada, the capital of sin city, has an open carry law except in casinos of course.  Assault rifles are not illegal.   NO ONE BUT NO ONE needs an automatic or semi-automatic assault rifle much less Congress to vote on okaying silencers!!!! These are weapons of war not for civilians carrying them to create mayhem on innocent people.  The NRA is a moral sewer and Trump is their biggest supporter.  SHAME ON HIM AND THEM! 

Can you imagine Las Vegas if the gd shooter had silencers on his weapons? If one cannot see the shooter they can at least hear from where the shots may be coming. A silencer would make that impossible. The remedy is to take Republicans, defeat them by the hundreds all over the nation in 2018 and finally let science and sanity prevail!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...