Friday, April 13, 2018

"Comey Memoir Claims Trump Was Obsessed With Disproving ‘Pee Tape’ Allegation"

Michael Avenatti , Stormy's attorney, the best attorney ever, said the worst attorney ever is Michael Cohen, Trump's "attorney." Moral of the story NEVER EVER NEVER go to an attorney who tapes you!!! What an idiot Cohen is.

A Blogger said:  "Very serious national security issues to be discussed. God! how low can anyone think and talk about the leader of our country and the free world! We have become the laughing stock of the entire world.

My Comment: A president of the United States having an affair here and there while he is married seems like Sunday School compared to Drumpf.  I used to think that a golden shower meant that pure gold was coming out of a tub shower head.  I was surprised when someone defined it as something else.  Now pure gold is falling on the handsome Michael Avenatti, the greatest attorney ever with the greatest story ever to be told.  Great work, Mr. Avenatti.  We of moral scruples are glad you are on our side!  I do wonder, though, what parents tell their children when listening to the XXX rated evening news. Perhaps, the mute button on the remote is useful to block one's ears and the ears of one's children.  Good luck to Mr. Avenatti who now does battle with the Voldemorts of our nation!
An apropos Yiddish word describes the entire mess:  OYE!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...