Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The WHO test kits: This is how Trump lies and even his expert gets it wrong!

This is how Trump lies and the bobble heads so called experts try to make Trump look good by nodding and having faulty information.  Dr. Birk said the WHO test kits were not tested and reliable, did not meet the guidelines so Trump rejected them to which Trump concurred. 

FACT: Per MSNBC infectious disease expert: The WHO test kits were reliable but were given free to impoverished nations. The US not being an impoverished nation would have had to pay for them. Trump rejected that but WHO test kits were reliable. The test kits that were NOT reliable and tried at first were the ones from Trump's CDC!!!!!

One must never accept carte blanch anything Trump says.  He lies and he does so all the time.  What is dismaying are his so called expert bobble heads nodding in agreement with him apparently to give him support even when it is an untruth.  Dismaying!  Send this to anyone you choose.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...