Thursday, March 08, 2018

CONGRATULATIONS: My email to Texas Democrat Beto O'Rourke!!

Beto, so happy to hear of your primary win for the Democratic national Senate seat of Texas!!  Now it's on to the general and let's win there against Ted Cruz!!  I am a strong Democrat from Massachusetts who is committed to ensuring Democrats win across the board -- in state senates, in state houses, in the governorships and with special wishes for a win in the Congressional Senate wrenching Ted Cruz's ruinous extremist right hand from its ugly grip on power; ruining policy for most especially the middle class. 

After what Trump called Cruz's wife Cruz has the immoral gall to keep supporting this Henry Hill charlatan, womanizer and alleged woman abuser, not to mention adulterer mendacious evil man many times over.  It is a shame for the world, a shame for your state, a shame for those in our country who want desperately to support ethical government dedicated not to the 2% billionaires but to us, the middle class.  Who was Trump/Cruz kidding?  Tax cuts sound so good but they really meant permanent tax cuts for his billionaires and smaller temporary ones for everyone else. 

He and those who give him support are con men and the fact that Cruz with his holier-than-thou Christianity is still a supporter of our liar and thief-in-chief, Trump, is an immoral outrage.  Both Trump and Cruz are vile, Trump's "presidency" is vile, and the Republican Party who could have, if they wanted to, stopped him cold but chose rather to support him giving him ebullient praise. Some may have even known of an alleged $130,000 payoff to a porn star to keep her quiet -- immoral and unethical by anyone's standards.  Republicans knew and gave Trump the penultimate praise even though there is more than a hint of treasonous collusion with an adversarial power Russia and its immoral authoritarian leader, Putin, to swing the 2016 election to Manchurian candidate Trump.  He has defiled the Constitutional Emoluments Clause with business conflicts in Washington and around the world subjecting Trump and his merry men to blackmail. 

Trump has spat on our Constitutional balance of power, has kicked dirt in the fact of the Fourth Amendment due process clause and paid homage to cruel and abusive treatment, a Constitutional prohibition.  He has paid deference to Nazi nationalists calling some of them "very fine people" after they killed an opposition supporter.  American Nazis are not ever "very fine people".
Your victory in November will be one of the most joyful I could watch almost as joyful as watching Barack Obama taking the presidency in 2008.  You have a supporter in me and I will to the best of my ability offer support to you and ask my friends to do so as well if they can as so many of us try with all our heart to change this nation from red to blue to work for the people and not the 2% richest.  Good luck!!


The question Joe presented is why did liberals in 1996 support Bill Clinton in view of his sexual improprieties. If you and Mika would think about it one should not make general statements indicting an entire group like that. It is not true that all liberals supported Clinton's indiscretions. I did not support his behavior then even though his policies for the most part with some exceptions I did support. I thought his misdeeds were unfortunate because he would have a Republican Party that would pounce on it and they did.

Beyond that is the important issue that Republicans base their very politics, courting religion, courting Evangelicals, being the strict moral -- especially sexually moral -- Party that was supposed to bring that social culture into the political realm. They caught Dixicrats in their political net for among other things of a racial nature, their hatred of libertine sexual mores that the late 60's generation they thought provoked. 

If you and Mika gave two substantive thoughts about the issue you would realize that Democrats do not run on a strict platform of sexual mandates. They do run on a strict platform of not abusing women sexually or otherwise. Liberal Democrats, of which I am proudly one, emerged from the late 1960's culture that threw much (not all) sexual morality over for a culturally freer milieu. That is the difference. Democrats did not demand Clinton fess up because many did not think his behavior then an egregious sin. Republicans are all about religion, sin, sexual sin and Trump surely is the antithesis of that!  That makes him and them hypocrites!

Give things some thought why doncha instead of simply reading from a teleprompter where Mika says thank you more times than a ticket taker and more than she certainly emotes well thought out ideological analysis. I could read from a teleprompter and make the millions I assume you make.

Use your big brains for analysis of issues, analyze them and think!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...