Friday, June 12, 2020

John Bolton Says Reelection Is ‘Only Thing That Mattered’ To Trump

Nice time to tell us now, Mr. Bolton. Maybe your refusal to tell us when it really would have mattered was because you wanted to sell a book. How about telling the nation you claim to love so much when it really might have done some good? This is surely no big revelation. It seems like your calculation that you would make big bucks from your book is almost the same as Trump only wanting to be reelected. Both of you put your nation second. No surprise there either. I say birds of a feather.

Still, better late than never. It will help historians put this presidency in the dump where it belongs and maybe just maybe in November it will work its magic to defeat the worst president in the history of this nation! It's all sickening.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...