Sunday, October 23, 2016

Highway to Heaven

Clinton is on the highway to the White House. To those who question any part of the Clinton Foundation I have this to say as one blogger did: This is how charities operate, you schmooze with them and they donate. Giving speeches to help the less fortunate is not wrong.(87 percent of Clinton foundation money is spent on actual charitable works)

I say: Yes, and she did not use the money to buy a 12 foot painting of herself! Clinton's taxes unlike Trump's forever faux audit tax excuse are out for all to see. Clinton is NOT stupid, she's an attorney and has the BEST campaign support on planet earth. No one is going to risk the insane inanities and flagrant ethics abuses if not allegedly illegal behaviors of Mr. Trump. His negatives including his sexual abuses are the size of Everest and if one has a few hours one could list a mountain high size of questionable if not unethical and allegedly down right illegal behaviors galore! Next to Trump Hillary Clinton is a saint! Politics, as the compromised Christie said perhaps his only truth, is not beanbag. It is a blood sport and one must know how to navigate the shark infested waters without sinking the boat. 

The dangerous fascist Trump is dead in the water, his ship has sailed a LONG LONG time ago. Our nation should thank god that will be so!



Woman Says Trump Sexually Assaulted Her, Offered Her $10,000 For Sex

Now the sex abuse of women by Trump numbers 12 and her name is Jessica Drake. (Link below) Each woman who tells her sex abuse story with Trump I think will be the rock that sinks the bestial ship especially offering her $10,000 for sex and even though there were witnesses accompanying the woman. But no. Trump could run a whore house and his base would hug him no matter what and, really, become more impressed with him. It is testament to the ugliness and immorality of his base. This is the Republican nominee for president of the United States, the most powerful office in the world? Those who hate simply do not care about anything nefarious he does.

America has a right wingnut Republican cancer and if America does not cut it out it will sink the ship of state. Trump and his base are America's cancer. One hopes the rest of the body politic is healthy enough to keep this poison in check. I pray every minute of every day (and I am not usually a praying person) that our nation-of-immigrants glue is stronger than the cancer threatening it. I THINK we will get through it; I think the women of this nation are choking on Trumpian filth, I think persons of color know this racist MUST be defeated and I think Hispanics know that they will be rounded up even 11 million of them, separated from their families and returned to their country of origin staggered by a country they do not know and separated from all they love that they will make sure to vote. God help us if this bestial evil named Trump pulls a rabbit out of a hat and does the unthinkable ... win.


Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...