Sunday, November 05, 2017

Hiding in Plain Sight

As a lifelong ardent Democrat I have seen this Party snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. What does internecine warfare get us? Answer: nowhere. Let the bickering go. It does nothing to achieve the policy on which most Democrats and Progressives agree.

Chuck Todd and other mainstream reporters will milk the Donna Brazille story for all its worth pitting Democrats against other Democrats. Do 
let them. The election is over. Now it is time to unite even if we do not get everything we want.

Generally Democr
ats agree on the big issues so stop squabbling which allows Drumpf to take full advantage of it as the media often does. The media wants you to tune to sell its commercials and does not care if the story is about a bear eating someone's lunch or if Democrats are fighting with other Democrats. It will sensationalize it as if that story is the most important when, in fact, there is a combustible world on the brink of total war with a sick know nothing at the helm carrying the football toward a destructive end zone. The media is about how many viewers and it can get at our expense IF we let it. Do not or we get Trump; maybe someone as bad or even worse if that is possible!

I am dismayed because every time I think Drumpf is sunk I turn on the news and see them trying to make a negative story about anything else they can. This time Democrats are front and center which should not be front page news. Depression sets in but we must turn that off and concentrate who we are.

Whatever the Democratic strategy the essence of the Party will be and is a thousand times more humane and accepting of human difference than what the Republican Party is as a Party of the 2% wealthiest with old very old dogma proven false. The wealth of the richest 2% by lowering its tax rate will NOT trickle down to you and now a Party where the KKK and neo Fascist racists Nazis can find a hiding place in plain sight. Whatever Democrats are they are infinitely better than that!


Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...