Friday, December 22, 2017

Al Franken -- Shoot to Kill

If you get a chance to listen to Al Franken's departing speech I recommend you do so. It was wonderful and touched on everything you might think he would. A tear fell from my eyes as he came to the end.

I still think it was a cave by Democrats to give in to Republican attempts to unseat one of the best and most powerful of progressives in the history of the Senate.  He as he said he was influenced by the great progressive Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone. 

Being the ardent Democrat I am I am never surprised at the lengths to which Republicans will go to lie to stop progressive policy from becoming law. In the end, though, besides Franken's first accuser whom I allege was a right wing plant and who broadcasts a right wing radio show there were others, it seems, who accused Al Franken. Only he knows the truth of the claims. If some were, in fact, true and I do not know that they were, he would himself have to be blamed for sewing the seeds of his own demise just as I thought Hillary did by not understanding what she knew that Republicans will go to Herculean lengths to bring down Democrats especially the Clintons and especially for the presidency. Hillary's insistence on using private email for government business to stop FOIA requests was foolhardy not just to her but to those of us who saw and worked hard for her as president.  How much better would she have been than Trump?

If persons who want to run to support progressive policy especially if they run for higher office they must now make damn well sure they do not bestow Republicans with a gift to foil Democratic attempts and never, most especially, send emails subject to possible subpoena or indictment later showing scurrilous content and/or profane images. This is the time in which we live.  We must be sure never to give the unprincipled opposition ammunition which they will use against us and shoot to kill!  

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...