"The Stranger Who Sent Steve Mnuchin A Box Of Horse Poo Has Come Forward"
https://mail.google.com/mail/My Comment: The man who delivered a box of horse$^%$# to Trump's so called "Treasury Secretary," Steve Mnuchin, is named Robert Strong.
I do not have the ability to do something like that nor the psychological daring it would take to do it. However, this man probably did more to impact our cause, to collect the anger no furiousness against not only this Republican economic horse dung bill but the lies about the Republicans' everything under the sun as well as a bill they name in Orwellian fashion the "Tax Cut and "Jobs" Act" which is, in reality, the opposite of what these Republican liars and con men named it. More appropriately it should be called "The Middle-class Jobs Cut and Tax Act for the Rich" bill. I say good for you, Robert Strong. What a great Dickensian name for the deliverer of such a profound and correct response.
Millions of us salute and bless you, Mr. Strong, for having the guts to do what millions upon millions of American middle class, working class and the poor would have loved to be able to do! Time Magazine, name Robert Strong "Man of the Year!"