Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Fox News leads the major TV networks in broadcasting lies" -- chilled to the bone

A post of this sort is what frightens me to the bone. An interview conducted of a senior who was asked a question after a Republican Rep. Justin Amash town hall. She was asked her thoughts about his being the only Republican who would impeach Trump. She actually said she was surprised at his revealing the Trump obstruction of justice that Mueller enumerated. She said she had never heard that before because she listens to only "conservative" news. That means all she hears is lies and true fake news.  That means she never hears expert valid analysis of truth. Multiply the woman interviewed by thousands and one could see how this poison could actually win another four year term for the uber corrupt Trump screwing up domestic and foreign affairs news hurting all those who are not members of the 2% economic elite and those others on the planet who do not want war. God help us.

Somehow the truth must be gotten out to those who are his base or could add to his base because their fake news is what they want to hear and the only thing they do hear which is hardly the truth coming from an unfit-for-the-presidency liar president who has told according to the NYT more than 10,000 lies over a two year period and still counting. Trump lies ALL the time -- small lies, medium size lies and whoppers. The greatest challenge for the real truth tellers is to get our real news truths out to those who need it the most AND on election day GET OUT THE vote en masse.

The article does not let MSNBC and CNN off the hook either. I would oppose what they say especially about MSNBC and would want to read the particularities of how the Mint Press News Desk arrives at their truth about MSNBC and CNN.  As an avid watcher of MSNBC I disagree with their critique.  The experts MSNBC uses to defend what they say are the tellers of truth.  Naming but a few the analysis of Chuck Rosenberg, Wendy Sherman, Counter Intelligence expert Malcolm Nance, law professor Barbara McCuade, United States Attorney Joyce Vance, former Watergate prosecutor Jill Weinbanks,  Nick Ackerman Watergate prosecutor and many more tell the truth.  Their credentials are impeccable.  I believe MSNBC is nearly beyond reproach and certainly not in the category of Fox News.

The Orlando Sentinel announced an endorsement on the eve of the Trump campaign for the presidency address in Orlando Florida for whichever Democrat takes on Trump In 2020.  This paper which usually endorses a Republican cannot endorse Trump.  I post the link below so you can see why. 

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...