Glad the Anita Bryant side did
not have the last word. The LGBT side has a say and is yelling loud on
Facebook and Twitter to counteract the so called American Family
Association's million mom petition which only showed 25,000 signatures.
The ADL and SPLC voiced the LGBT position. I'd like to see the
American Family Association be as vociferous about child hunger as they
are about opposing two women in a marriage ceremony showing affection to
each other by one measly kiss. Here is a bulletin: marriage is legal now between same sex
couples. See
Obergefell v. Hodges.
I think now that the Hallmark Channel cow towed to hate the
LGBT side should vigorously promote its own boycott of the Hallmark
Channel and other entities owned by Hallmark and voice loud support for Zola which paid for the commercial.
The gay community should organize big support for Zola and make their
commercial rake in big bucks for them. Kudos Zola for celebrating all
love and not hate. After all as a movie about a gay relationship once
was entitled "It's a Question of Love!" Get used to it!