Saturday, November 08, 2014

A Letter to my Fellow Democrat

A fellow Democrat in my locale wrote a lovely email to me about the 2014 election disaster.  I responded to her.

Yes, Elsa, people like you give me hope.  We need to do EXACTLY what Republicans WOULD do to us, hit them when there is proof below the belt.  We MUST turn hard even though Democrats are reticent at times to do that.  If someone is running for office and lies then it MUST be told over and over and over again especially by the Democrat who is running for office.

MSNBC I love especially Rachel and Larry O'Donnell BUT they are broadcasting to the choir.  Influential Democrats of whom we have many, too, MUST figure out a way to get these Republican bastards and pound the immoral things they do into the ground.  I am usually not like that and a forgiving person BUT politics just like Chris Christie said is NOT bean bag.  So let's give him and them a taste of NOT bean bag and pull on them what they Machiavellian pull on us.

Yes, I'm mad but I am scared even more than mad.  Sink or swim; live or die Republican way of governing kills a LOT of people and Republicans will be happy to see all of us die.  They do not care about any of us if they can fight health care which is working for soon 25 million more.  Health care, deny health care?  What would Jesus have said about that?  In their twisted way they could make a stupid case like they do about our vicious weather man made by the burning of fossil fuels and climate change induced.  No irrational religious myth will fix it only science can but Republicans are NOT about science just look at whom they put on the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee chair -- Oklahoma's Republican Senator Inhofe who just wrote a letter urging the EPA to withdraw its proposed new control requirements for petroleum refineries.  These are the brainless wonders with whom we must "get along."

The goal is to get that part of their base to see what Democrats say applies to them when they are not the 1%.  Somehow they just don't get it if they can elect by a wide margin those who created the rancid obstructionist Congress in the first place. It makes NO sense.  Republicans are NOT the ones to fix anything.  They will let government die on the vine and us with it while their corporate cronies who fund their campaigns and who McConnell and Boehner have fought for all their political lives reap billions more. Those 2/3rds of us who did not vote must see their own lives and their children's lives at stake and carted out to vote.

You and others who are young fight like hell as you say.  YOU and people like you are our biggest hope!

Best and with love to all my fellow local Democrats and in particular to Elsa my biggest supporter and positive reinforcement for the words I write! :-) 

"Olive Kittridge" -- A Must See

I attach below a link to the review from the Boston Globe by Matthew Gilbert of "Olive Kittridge."  He loved this film series on HBO as much as I did and describes its essence well.

For me, there have been few film series that approach this film's excellence. It is one of the most uniquely cast and expertly played works of art I have experienced. The performances were staggeringly riveting. Frances McDormand was made for this role and the rest of her supporting cast were magnificent. I did not want it to end and I surely will not describe the minutiae of it for fear I would give away its plot.

Brava to Frances McDormand acting in and producing a film made for her and Bravo to Richard Jenkins, with whom I fell in love. Three cheers to all the other actors who made this film series great.

This series brings the complexities of living to the screen. Life, as Olive says, confounds her as it does me sometimes as well. I'll bet most of us in our small worlds can say that too as life does not always live up to one's expectations of it and we are often trapped by those who first came into our lives through no fault of our own and visited upon us eternal nightmares from which we cannot escape. There were in this film wonderful performances all around. See it. It is a must.

Here or below

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...