Since Drumpf smashing into the oval office and especially since this
tax insanity increase on the middle class and the poor, blow up of the
deficit not to mention the obliteration of health care this
administration is killing this nation. Moreover, they are gutting the
State Department when we need it most with N. Korea nearing the
acquisition of a nuclear bomb that could hit Washington I simply cannot
write anymore or at least must take a break from things political in
written form. I know I've said it
before but I loathe injustice so and Republicans know nothing else but
harming the weak and powerless that I risk my health if I allow our
national nightmare to rock my life.
It's so bad that I am afraid to greet the next headline every morning.
This tax bill given to the megga rich on the backs of the middle class
and poor killing health care for millions will be crushing. Say bye to
your property and other deductions. The rich can expect their
beneficiaries will duck an estate tax they should pay. The 2% who will
get their taxes cut big time the savings of which will NOT trickle down
to us. It will trickle into their bank accounts. The nation will run
an extra trillion or two deficit and Republicans will try to pay for it
by eventually taking Medicare, Medicaid, and even Social Security away.
George Carlin the great comedian and social critic in his "American
Dream" act I have shown, before he died predicted just that. Yes, it is a
piece of brilliance. I warn it has some profanity but is stunning in
its prescience. What Republicans are doing to this nation is more
profane than anything else could be. I will post the George Carlin link
below. He says it all.
Add to the insanity a religious wacko pedophile no less will be taking a seat in the senate. I give up!
Why men (and some women) of power and good will cannot stop this speeding train headed for a cliff into oblivion I have no idea. The nation is dying and will take me down with it if I let it. I won't! v=EPNYxIOGTIU
Add to the insanity a religious wacko pedophile no less will be taking a seat in the senate. I give up!
Why men (and some women) of power and good will cannot stop this speeding train headed for a cliff into oblivion I have no idea. The nation is dying and will take me down with it if I let it. I won't!