Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Climate Change and Health: Infectious Diseases -- READ AND HEED!

Our brain dead Fuehrer places his bets with the ignorant of ignorant those who deny science. You know what though? Science doesn't care. It will do what the scientists say it will. Deny it at your peril, at your children's peril, and your grandchildren's peril. They with us will pay the price! mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1RZMU9Ea3hPR016WVdNMyIsInQiOiI1NXRzWUluZytlR1pFeFM4UEdJWXRTOHFqWTgrTmM3djU1WmVlRjhTTlJKTWNpVlU3QUNkd3pnWHN6VEhwNk51VElsUWRDWktiWnJTSjU4Y1grZ

Leasing our soul


Trump Administration Rushes To Lease Federal Lands

The Department of the Interior is quietly preparing to offer hundreds of thousands  of cres of public land for leasing to energy companies.  

Every day is another outrage. Leasing Federal Lands means that oil rigs could be cropping up on these gorgeous lands too. What have you done to us, America? Trump is our national nightmare. Every day in so many ways he is upending this gorgeous nation with its beautiful Federally protected lands. Of what twisted form is this president's heart of stone made? How can he live with himself and how can his allegedly sane children live with him, support his policies, get up in the morning and look at themselves in the mirror?

The metaphor for Trump is his throwing paper towels at human beings in Puerto Rico going through one of the worst weather catastrophes this nation has seen killing nearly 3,000 people. That was an insult supreme and thinks he is an unsung hero for his treatment of Puerto Rico while his administration transfers millions from FEMA who could help people to ICE who imprisons those who look to this nation to save their lives.

In the end this beast does not care really about anyone but himself but especially he does not care about human beings born with brown skin. He is our Shakespearean tragedy. My heart breaks and my eyes fill with tears. Even I, a doubting Thomas, pray to God to save us from this ugly tragedy!


  I wrote this last week and for the most part sat on it because I did not want my writing to imply anything against Israel. As stated agai...