Friday, January 31, 2020

Progressive journalism is under attack. By Emily Singer The American Independent

Trump and his Republican Party of the Trump Cult have accelerated the pace, they had to.  For over 3 years they have be going about tearing up and then to rewrite the Constitution so it conforms not with a Democracy, but an Autocratic one party dictatorship. They will say and do anything tho defend the undefendable. They will stop at nothing to keep this criminal on the throne for his guilt,  his shame, Trump's crimes and abuses are also theirs.  They have placed Trump and in turn themselves above the law and above the rest of US. They have told Trump and Trump was eager for the recognition acceptance of his God like status, indeed, to not believe Trump is not the " Chosen One" make You and I enemies of Our Own Country.

To want this greedy racist ignorant presidential MORON to answer for his many sins and crimes makes me a liberal socialist a bad evil person and all that is further from the truth I am an American and I see TRUMP and the GOP KILLING OUR COUNTRY !

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Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

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