Wednesday, October 31, 2018

This is NOT 1933

On my FB page many are frightened and they should be because there is much to fear but that translates into action.   They are scared that this is how Hitler gained power.  I say NO this is not 1933.  Millions of people here are watching. We have mobilized millions in protest. Further, in 1933 they did not have MSNBC, CNN or anything visual that could arouse people to act against Fascism. We do. We are not broadcasting the garbage Fox is thank God.  We have news media that are good and truthful, we have Netflix that carries tons of documentaries on the rise of Nazis and the rise of the Alt Right for that matter in this nation; there are former rightwing extremists who have seen the ugliness and turn against it and it's carried on our media. We have many many more outlets that can get the truth out. Plus the Internet and Facebook not always a force for good BUT there is good just look on my site.

We are out there, we are vocal and with a little luck this curse of Trump will meet its electoral end. It does not mean we should not be frightened but that frightened should turn our millions into action and is doing that right now I hope. We must get the word out, we must vote for Democrats and we must be thankful for the Rachel Maddows and Larry O'Donnell's and the Chris Hayeses, and the Joy Reeds, Al Sharptons, and the Ari Melbers, Ali Velshis and Stephanie Rhules to name a few who are on our side...this is NOT 1933!!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Longest Hatred -- My Experience with AntiSemitism

The killings at the Tree of Life synagogue struck the heart of me as it did other Jews and non-Jews alike.  Again, I must analyze the why of it digging deep into my knowledge of historical antisemitism as well as my personal experience with it as a Jew. 

One of the best and most precise analyses of the history of antisemitism is a video history entitled "The Longest Hatred" shown on PBS a number of years ago.  Hatred of the Jew simply for being born Jewish and simply for carrying the Jewish genetic heritage in one's blood has been a longstanding indictment levied by many antisemites against all Jews even against Jewish children and a rationale for some to eliminate their perceived threat by murdering them.  Adolph Hitler, the anti-Semite supreme, even went so far as to believe eliminating Jewish children was, perhaps, his most important goal so that Jewish children would not grow up to be Jewish adults and infect the white supremacy of Aryan Christian culture.  It was to this end that he was most ardently committed.

"The Longest Hatred" I think can be divided into sections that led to the ultimate slaughter of the six million of the Holocaust in the modern era and even to the slaughter of 11 innocent people whose only crime was to worship at the Tree of Life in synagogue in Pittsburgh on Shabbat (the Jewish sabbath.)  Its etiologic rationale was stated or perhaps inferred within the New Testament itself which in pertinent part blamed Jews for the killing of Christ, the Christian God.  This was, perhaps, the most incendiary indictment of all since one had to understand what the killing of God meant.  It meant to those who believed it then and incredulously, today, who believe it still is the overturning of all that was and is to them good, moral and right.  What could be worse than the killer of God? It mattered not that the Jews did not kill Christ, if in fact, Christ existed, but we know the Romans and not the Jews used death by crucifixion especially for those whom they deemed guilty of sedition as their supreme modus operandi of execution.  Through the centuries, of course, this accusation ebbed and other rationals for the killing of Jews became prominent.

The children of the Jewish diaspora or the fleeing of Jews because of persecution to the European continent from the Middle East carried this poignant indictment with them and it morphed into others.  The Jews of Spain were commanded to convert to Christianity and if one, after conversion, practiced Judaism secretly one could be Inquisitionally tortured and ultimately killed.  Those who refused to convert were walled off into Jewish ghettos where they were allowed to be Jews but also to practice much needed money lending for Christians.  Money lending has morphed into the sin of an alleged Jewish globally controlled cabal seeing to take over the world.  Christians of the Medieval period were not allowed to lend money so the Jew became a necessary economic implement to improve a nation's economic worth.  This indictment has been the most enduring, insidious and down right moronic rationale used today by modern day antisemites.  The nefarious nexus between the Jew and money was born and has not died.  The antisemitic word of the day is "globalism," an attempt by antisemites to indict George Soros, Bloomberg  and other wealthy Jews for a conspiratorial control of the world.  The fact that the Mercers, the Koch Brothers and many other non Jews control the Republican Party through their money and huge unlimited contributions are not, of course, considered.  The lengthy history of antisemitism through the ages can be summed up for brevity.  It is you cannot live among us as Jews, you cannot live among us, and, finally, you cannot live.

My own personal experience with antisemitism includes these historically lengthy prejudices.  In third grade at eight years old a Catholic girl walked up to me and said "The Jews killed Christ."  I did not know what she meant and the teacher who also was Catholic did not disabuse her of that notion; later, a neighbor also Catholic told me the same thing.  "The Jews Killed Christ."  A Jewish friend of mine said defiantly "No, the Romans did"  as I breathed a sigh of relief.  Years later when working a friend of mine at lunch told me about the great bargain she had gotten at a store by "Jewing the guy down."  In my incredulity and to avoid controversy I said nothing.  I would not say nothing today.  And so it proceeds over centuries the often told same old societal affliction.  We can choose to say nothing or by our actions which include voting for those who profess a kindness and empathy of which the Republican Party has little. 

To all of you I ask you to VOTE Democratic and to RESIST the Trumpian fascism of our time!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Study: Online attacks on Jews ramp up before Election Day

Quel suprise!

Yeah Donald, your nasty rhetoric and acceptance of neo Nazis into your fold has created this. Rumor has it, Donald, your son in law is Jewish and your grandchildren half Jewish. Hitler would have killed them all and many American neo Nazis if they could would eradicate both your son in law and your grandchildren. So keep it up, Donald, you blooming curse on our nation. You could finally know what real tragedy is from your very own supporters, Tiki Torch carrying neo Nazis you think "some are such good people."


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Trump's reply to the threat of violence against solely Democrats was weak

Trump's reply to the violence today was WEAK and mentioned none of those Democrats solely who were threatened including Maxine Waters whom Trump insults as "low IQ." If anyone has low IQ it is he. Nor did he mention the news media he has impugned by calling them "enemies of the people."  I believe Trump has created this toxic environment.  It is he who should apologize to all of us for his malevolent speech.

I am on the side of persons of color and other minority groups who have had their progress over centuries ripped out from under their feet by white persons like Trump who have weakened the 1965 Civil Rights law which specifically addressed those states that have perpetrated unspeakable crimes against human beings because of the color of their skin originally brought to this nation in chains and against their will. Who of us if we had been treated like they by persons holding the reins of power would not be angry and would hold back their fury? 

White men, racist white men have NOTHING about which to be angry. They have held ALL the power since the beginning of the nation and to think those they have subjugated would not someday rise up to grab what is rightfully theirs is pure and simply stupid.
Trump has done more to hurt those minorities who are powerless and he has served to eradicate all that they have achieved at a high price. Malcolm X once said: "I am non violent BUT I am NOT non violent to people who are violent to me!


Suspicious Packages Sent To Barack Obama And Hillary, Bill Clinton: Secret Service

Why am I not surprised with Trump's hostile rhetoric egging his supporters on to lock her up and constantly bad mouthing falsities against Barack Obama that the Clintons and Obama are threatened. CNN and the area around it have been evacuated. When Trump calls the media such as CNN the enemy of the people how surprising is it that right wing extremist groups that support Trump will put all news organizations at risk. Trump has indicted George Soros who has contributed money to the Democratic Party as Republican billionaires have done in triplicate to the RNC. Now Soros, an elderly man, is being threatened and is seen by the right as worthy of attack.

Trump's "nationalist" i.e. white nationalist rants have consequences. The people that listen to him -- right wing extremists, white nationalist crackpots and racists supreme like the KKK see Trump's words as a rationale for a call to arms.

Right wing extremists I have always thought are much more violent than the left is in this country. Right wing extremists like American Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan and others who have been given the cover of inclusion by Trump are angry, they are armed and they are dangerous!


Monday, October 22, 2018

Midterm Mania

I think Democrats, and I am a STRONG one, should not be so smug to think that the enemy Republicons will be losing the House. I will give it my thoughts and prayers though that they will lose it and close my agnostic eyes to pray when Nov. 6 comes along.

Trump is SO SO SO bad, so dishonest, and so ill equipped for the presidency that he SHOULD be losing the House by double digits but also the Senate too. His economy means nothing as time passes the electorate should see the tax cuts were permanent and huge ONLY for the top 2% and the rest got next to zero and NOT permanent. It NEVER trickles down to us but promotes egregious behavior by CEO's and those in power that encourages recession and even Depression. He will want to reverse the deficit by blowing a hole in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.  These programs we put our own blood, sweat, tears and our own money into can be wiped away if Republicans keep power.  Do NOT let them.

I know his presidency has caused my own depression and the depression of millions of Democrats, thoughtful Republicans and Independents as well. Trump is the MOST unethical, dishonest, mean, self centered, cruel, and evil president this nation has ever seen. VOTE DEMOCRAT ON NOVEMBER 6TH AND SAVE THE NATION AS HE NEGATES NUCLEAR TREATIES WITH EVEN HIS BUDDY PUTIN...GO FIGURE. To entrust him with the nuclear codes is nothing short of suicide!

SEND THIS TO ANYONE YOU CHOOSE THEN RESIST!  The life you save may be your own!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Diehl a Bad Deal

I do not know how any thinking person, a person of intelligence even if one does not dive into the weeds of detail of the corruption of this administration, cannot see not from the complex evidence that exists but from the evidence that is right in front of one's nose.  How utterly corrupt the Trump administration is. Add to that the ark of corruption of his cabinet and it is right in front of you for even those with little or no academic experience, to see.  One need only look to find out what is being done with your, OUR tax dollar wasted to enrich Trump himself.

Trump complained about Obama golfing. The difference between the numbers of times Trump has gone golfing at Bedminster, his New Jersey golf course, and Obama's occasional golfing time off one could fit a train through.  Trump's golfing alone is costing the taxpayer millions for a presidential detail when Trump goes to one of his own golf courses let alone anywhere else including Mar-a-Lago. The money he makes off the things he privately owns being a public servant is almost incalculable. The waste and the fraud of his cohorts like Secretary of the Interior Zinke, EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt and Human and Health Services Secretary Price to name a few "[his] gang of imitation moguls seems to have forgotten that they were supposed to be working for the “forgotten Americans. It’s hard to make that claim when you use a private jet 24 times, as Price did, according to Politico. This cost a total of $300,000, and we paid for it." Multiply that by so many more like Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Carson's ordering of a $30,000 table for his office.  Add all kinds of luxury travel at taxpayer expense to the mountain of corruption in Trump's administration.  It beggars the mind that Trump as president has many many private enterprises he controls and from which he makes millions when heads of state come here to do business with the White House. Trump's many businesses of which he did not divest are there for all to see.

The Constitution itself prevents a president from doing just that as the Founders knew from their European experience that a leader could use the position as a head of state solely for his own enrichment. The Constitutional Emoluments Clause is there to prevent just that but Trump ignores it. All one has to do is open one's eyes to see that an "R" after someone's name, tied to Trump is not only tied to a foreign power, Russia or Saudi Arabia is also tied to Trump for the enrichment of himself.  The immoralities and illegalities of the Trump administration are legion; there are so many it is hard to keep keep track of  them.

Diehl supports Trump and anyone who does carries that baggage along with him.  Diehl will not buck Trump. Warren is infinitely not only academically but ethically superior to any Republican tied to Trump. Warren should have the support of the electorate of Massachusetts no matter if she's running for the Mass. Congressional Senate or even if she is looking someday to higher office. She would be wonderfully brilliant in anything she attempts. 

Surely not all Democrats are clean but Elizabeth Warren, in fact, is. As long as Republicans are tied to Trump they will acquiesce to the corruption, cruelty, meanness spirited policy and Everest size lies of this president. Further and most sadly of all they do not care!  I say there should be no deal on Diehl!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Audio Offers Gruesome Details of Jamal Khashoggi Killing, Turkish Official Says

I am sickened by the gruesomeness of this murder. Killing was evidently not enough for the murderers of Washington Post journalist Mr. Khashoggi they had to torture the poor man as well. Our incapable of empathy president Trump gave King Salman the light bulb brilliant idea of chalking it up to "rogue elements." What have we become? Who are we to elect a leader whose empathy gene does not exist? He along with his good friend King Salman now are international pariahs. 


My heart goes out to Mr. Kahsoggi's family, friends and colleagues as they grapple with the heinousness of this crime and their loss. Those who possess humanitarian ideals mourn with you.

Mea Culpa -- From: the Office of Corrections.

 Sometimes when one reads something on the Internet or is sent something on Facebook it turns out according to Snopes Fact Check to be untrue one must admit it. The blow was softened by the fact that this particular untruth has been out there in the world on the Internet for some time. 

The fact that this particular untruth was about spreading love as a force of nature advocated by the science genius of all time, Einstein, made it have gravity. I will reject its untruthfulness but accept its essence. 

What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love - Dionne Warwick

Einstein's Letter to his daughter + My Comment

Now I have become love
My Comment:  This letter of Einstein to his daughter Lieserl below is gorgeous. All should read it and take it to heart. Yesterday in my solitude before I went to bed I, the agnostic, asked God for a sign; something I could take to heart and change my life to find what I am looking for; a powerful force bigger than myself to explain the purpose of it all and to erase hate wherever it exists even in myself. This morning a writer friend of mine sent a letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter to be opened after his death. It was the first thing I saw this morning. My only reaction was a short "wow!" It should, be sent far and wide to everyone you know to find a remedy for our world in flames cannibalizing itself instead of Oppenheimer's oft quoted phrase upon the power of the nuclear bomb he helped build -- "Now," he said, quoting from the Bagavad Gita "I have become death destroyer of worlds." Einstein, I think, would say: Now I have become love the healer of worlds and the perpetuator of life!

In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for Lieserl Einstein.
…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.
This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.
Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.
Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.
For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.
If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.
However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.
I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.
Your father Albert Einstein

Monday, October 15, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Releases DNA Test Results Re: Indian Ancestry Inbox x

Mazel tov!!   DNA proves that Elizabeth Warren's heredity of Native American is what she says it isTrump's ancestry is 100% %$#%ole!.  I tried the best I could to camouflage but as Eric Holder has said:

‘When they go low, we kick them. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.'


RESIST:  as if your life depends upon it because it does!

Blue Wave Rising -- a Song

Please listen to this great hit and then forward to whomever you choose!!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

BREAKING: Trump fraud bombshel

Dear friends,

He put children into cages, pulled out of the Paris climate deal, and could launch a nuclear war any day with the tip of his finger.

But the worst thing about Trump might be the giant web of corruption that’s fueled his power. A bombshell New York Times report has just exposed how his family built an empire off tax dodging and outright fraud -- and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Investigations in the UK, Netherlands, and Canada have brought to light other 
potentially massive scandals involving Trump, his family, or his organisations. But prosecutors aren’t moving, possibly afraid of the furious response from Trump himself. If they did, their findings could fuel the US investigations, and give Congress evidence of Trump’s widespread corruption.
But in order to move, these prosecutors need an unprecedented public push. Sign now, and once we reach 1 million, we will make them famous in their respective countries with ad campaigns, news stories and actions outside their offices.

Sign now

This is big. Mounting evidence indicates hundreds of millions in crazy money laundering schemes and tax fraud that could unravel Trump’s whole business empire.

An investigation of Trump's ties to Russia is underway in the US, led by prosecutor Robert Mueller. He's known to be tough and independent, but faces a number of political challenges -- that's why evidence uncovered internationally could be the deciding factor of Trump’s fate. 

The Avaaz community is the only global movement big, flexible, and tenacious enough to take the investigations against Donald Trump across the globe -- and make sure that no one, not even the US President, is above the law.

Sign now

This is not going to be an easy fight for us as citizens or for our governments. But if anyone can make it happen, it’s this community. Our movement picks hard things… and wins. In a time when many of our democratic institutions are under threat, let’s stand up to one of the biggest bullies of them all before it’s too late.

sign the petition

He pulled out of the Paris climate deal, and could launch a nuclear war any day -- but the worst thing about Trump might be his web of corruption. Now we have a way to expose it: get countries across the world to investigate his shady dealings, and give the US Congress evidence of his fraud and tax evasion. Nobody knows about this possibility -- it’s on us to make it famous and get prosecutors to act!

With hope and fierce determination,
Emma, Nell, Danny, Meetali, Alex, 
Marigona, Andrew, Olivia, Anneke with the entire Avaaz team

More information:
Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father (NYTimes)

What’s next for Mueller’s investigation after Manafort’s conviction? (Vox)
6 Takeaways From Michael Cohen’s Guilty Plea (The New York Times)
Trump: 'I have the absolute right to pardon myself' (CNN)
Here's everyone who has been charged and convicted in Mueller's Russia probe so far (Business Insider)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Wonder

I always wonder what makes something the way it is.  I always wondered how a bird flies or how bees pollinate flowers and how such a tiny thing makes such delicious gallons of sweet honey.  I wonder about the earth and how it began and how one can count trillions of stars above.  I wonder why it rains, why it snows and how those flowers frozen in winter's deep return in the spring from it in beauty.  I wonder how the oceans with waters so deep formed and how fish can only breathe under water.  I wonder about the cycle of life and why every living thing seems so entwined one with the other.   I wonder about viruses and bacteria that can fell a man or paralyze limbs perverting their form making life life-long difficult.  I wonder about death and why humans suffer loss of those they love but many other mammals do not love or understand loss.  These are things about which I wonder.

I also wonder about man; why some are so violent; why some are so quick to fight and why others want to walk in another’s shoes to think how they feel walking in them; why some can empathize with the plight of another whose arc of the universe did not bend toward justice.  Why some can feel the plight of the downtrodden and want to help but others want to take away food from the hungry, take away money from the poor but give to those who are steeped in wealth.  I wonder about these things.  I wonder why a man who cares begets another who does not.  I wonder how extreme love of punishment sadistically allows the strong to punish the weak often by depraved means.  I wonder why a man turns away from suffering and does nothing while another walks toward it and cannot do enough.

What prods a man to pull the trigger on another man?  What allows him to do that? A Saudi who wrote for the Washington Post was killed by other Saudis in a foreign land this week and then took a chainsaw to that man's limbs and cut them off.  The man’s sin -- criticizing a head of state by writing newspaper articles.  Did that head of state whose order was behind the killing think he was perfect and eschewed criticism to the point of murdering a fellow human being or was he really afraid of that criticism?  It was not enough that they killed the journalist but they also had to dismember him committing mayhem in the process.  I do not understand these things; I do not understand why some men can kill anything that moves and others can kill nothing even if it sits motionless.

I wonder how a man who allegedly attempts rape in a drunken state is believed that he did not do this thing but the voice of the woman to whom it was done is cast aside even though she was 100% sure it was he.  I wonder why if there were more of those who could attest to the man's drunkenness that they were not allowed to speak at the behest of a White House which ordered a limited investigation.  I wonder if that robed man who is alleged to have committed that heinous act was drunk with regularity, attested to by those who witnessed him many times in a drunken state. I wonder how he looks with satisfaction at his robed image in a morning mirror and then sits with pride to judge other men.    

I wonder why a nation born of immigrants develops policies in extremis to keep other immigrants whose skin is brown and who face danger in their own lands out of this one. Worse that nation separates children from their parents -- some forever.  I wonder why a president loves dictators more than he does democracies.  I wonder why a president lies so constantly that truth empties into the swamp he was supposed to drain. I wonder more why those who know he lies do not care. I wonder what was done to a president at so young an age that he can grow up saturated in corruption, mean, cruel and without empathy for anyone but himself.  I wonder why he laughs at the women whom he has admittedly abused and does so at their expense as he brags about how power can gain him these privileges because women let him do anything doncha know. This is our president. Shame on you, America, that you saw fit to give this great nation the curse of Trump.

I wonder about all of these things and wonder if there are answers to anything.

Local GOP Official Wants to Send Native American House Candidate ‘Back to the Reservation’ -- BUT SHE IS GOING TO WIN!

Sharice Davids is likely going to Congress, not “back to the reservation.” Photo: Charlie Riedel/AP/REX/Shutterstock
Normally the social media ravings of local party activists don’t merit any serious attention; these are the ground troops of American politics, who often get carried away. But occasionally you run across such a classic of evil invective that it just has to be shared. It comes from Kansas, where Republicans are used to being embarrassed by extremists like their gubernatorial nominee Kris Kobach. And the target is Democratic congressional candidate Sharice Davids, who is in a close race with incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder. The Kansas City Star has the story:
A local Kansas GOP official lashed out at Democratic congressional candidate Sharice Davids on social media earlier this week, saying “your radical socialist kick boxing lesbian will be sent back packing to the reservation.”
The Facebook message was written by Republican precinct committeeman Michael Kalny of Shawnee and sent to Anne Pritchett, president of the Johnson County Democratic Women’s north chapter.
Davids is indeed a lesbian, and a former professional mixed-martial-arts fighter. She’s also Native American. She is not, however, any sort of “radical socialist”; in the Democratic primary for this House race, she defeated the self-identified progressive backed by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And she grew up in the suburban 3rd congressional district of Kansas, not “the reservation.” But Kalny was clearly on a roll and wasn’t going to let facts get in his way:
“Little Ms. Pritchett- you and your comrades stealth attack on Yoder is going to blow up in your leftist face,” Kalny wrote. “The REAL REPUBLICANS will remember what the scum DEMONRATS tried to do to Kavanaugh in November….
Roughly 50 exclamation points followed the end of the message.
Kalny’s prophecy of what will happen on November 6 is not looking terribly prescient, either. A couple of weeks ago the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee cancelled a million bucks in planned advertising on Yoder’s behalf. It wasn’t because they thought he was a lock; The Cook Political Report rates the race as “Lean D.” You know, D as in “DEMONRATS” THAT IS DEMOCRATS!

Sunday, October 07, 2018

We are not going back

Senator Collins of Maine is a phony! I loathe her now!!! Never did but now I do. Yep, they say don't get mad just vote. Okay fine I was going to vote anyway no matter what so how about if I vote AND be FURIOUS at the same time. I'm mad very mad and I admit it willingly just like the antiVietnam protestors of the late 60's. They were right. 30,000 men died for NOTHING. That should make everyone scream and now black people who have suffered for hundreds of years in the land of the free, had to endure all kinds of indignities, lynchings, Jim Crow and a thousand more insulting things face the prospect of all they have gained and all we have gained together going down the voter suppression toilet? Should they be MAD? YES they should be mad darn straight they should be mad.

When Malcolm X said "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us" he was right 100% right. Who of us would have endured a slave's life grueling work in all the heat and cold for 12 hours a day in the most grotesque conditions only to face other indignities in the Jim Crow south and now again over the red state and presidential psychopathology. Am I mad? You bet I'm mad!

Gay people had to hide their deepest feelings for fear someone would kill them for it and families reject them finally, finally, finally, get recognized as having civil rights after beating down the doors of justice to claim what should be rightfully theirs -- whom to LOVE? Are you kidding me? Let Justice Kavanaugh put the genie back in the bottle? I DON'T THINK SO!

NO! We are not going back -- EVER!!!

RESIST and VOTE Democrat November 6. 2018

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Don’t Confirm Brett Kavanaugh, Says Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

“His performance in the hearings changed my mind.”
Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said he opposes Brett Kavanaugh's nomination.
Bill Clark via Getty Images Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said he opposes Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. 
Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said Thursday that he does not support the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh “had the qualifications” to be a Supreme Court justice but his behavior at a hearing last week ― where he defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by blaming Democrats seeking “revenge on behalf of the Clintons” ― was inappropriate and disqualifying, Stevens said.

“His performance in the hearings changed my mind,” Stevens said, the Palm Beach Post first reported. “The senators should pay attention to this.”

Former justices do not normally comment on pending Supreme Court nominations, and Stevens is the only living former justice to comment on whether Kavanaugh should be confirmed. Sandra Day O’Connor, David Souter and Anthony Kennedy, whom Kavanaugh was nominated to replace, have not said anything about the nomination process. 

Few figures could be more dissimilar from each other than Stevens and Kavanaugh. Stevens was nominated by Republican President Gerald Ford in 1975. He went on to become the most liberal member of a minority bloc on the Supreme Court. He retired in 2010 and was replaced by Justice Elena Kagan.

Kavanaugh has been a partisan political operative, working with Republicans to investigate President Bill Clinton and helping George W. Bush win the Bush v. Gore court case in 2000 before being nominated to a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. (Stevens dissented in Bush v. Gore.) He was chosen to fill Kennedy’s seat because conservatives are assured that he will be a reliable conservative vote, unlike Stevens (or Souter).

Stevens also noted on Thursday that the partisan political influence over the high court was “worse” than ever. 

“I’ve never been a political person,” he added.

Say goodbye say hello

Republicans are doing anything they can to get Brett Kavanaugh, a sexual/alcohol abuser and misogynist.

The FBI report is in.   I knew that last night.  It will be inconclusive.  McConnell knows he has the votes.
They will move it out of committee onto the floor on the weekend.  Murskowski will fold, Collins will fold and so will Jeff Flake and two Democrats from conservative states Heitkamp and Manchen although as of this writing Heitkamp is a "NO."  They will have the votes and Kavanaugh will be on the Court.

Say goodbye to legal abortions that save lives and welcome to the back alley abortion where women die of toxemia; say goodbye to gay marriage and gay rights, rights for persons of color and Hispanics or any kind of affirmative action, in general; say goodbye to your lakes, rivers and streams loaded with toxic chemicals and pollutants a great deal for the petroleum industry and chemical companies.  Say good bye to union rights; say goodbye to limiting billions in bought legislatures, say goodbye to health insurance and welcome back preexisting conditions for which insurance companies will deny you insurance; say goodbye to Medicare, Social Security and more; say goodbye to women's rights and a return to the Mad Men days of the 1950's where women are treated like pond scum and marital rape is legal; Say hello to permanent climate change, ice caps melting and oceans rising; the list goes on and on and on.

Say hello to more voter suppression, say hello to more gerrymandering, say hello to more unjust violence against black men, more black men in private prisons that are already busting from overpopulation and more violence against gays which is already happening.  Say hello to a president who will be granted immense power,  is guilty of many many financial crimes the size of Everest and is guilty of collusion with a hostile power Russia.  Start welcoming Russia's Putin into your homes and maybe even Kim Jong Un with whom Trump said he was in love. 

Say hello to an America where the 2% wealthiest have it all but want more and the rest of us get nothing; say hello to a congress and presidency that is now riddled with horrific corruption and will remain that way because Kavanaugh will provide the 5th SCOTUS vote that will say a president cannot be indicted so there will, in fact, if the Congress remains Republican, a presidency imbued with unbridled power as Republicans capture the third branch of our government, the Supreme Court. Trump will be able to do anything even shoot someone in Times Square and not answer for it.  Say hello to a president who is a financial and Constitutional alleged criminal and allegedly guilty of treason against his own country.  SCOTUS soon will make it illegal to take a federal case into state court allowing for unlimited pardon power and will obliterate the 14th Amendment.  All Trump's children allegedly guilty of so much will get away with it all as he will.  There will soon be many more hair pulling rights fought for so dearly that will end. 

SCOTUS was our court of civil civil rights protection and its last resort.  Now so called "conservatives" will take cases to lower courts and lose just so they can take it to the Supreme Court and win.

I don't know about you but that is a nation in which I do not want to live so where is that window from which I would like to jump.



Monday, October 01, 2018

Trump, Russia and Hate

I wondered if anyone saw a fabulous "On Assignment" with Richard Engel. He talks about definite ties between Russia/Putin AND Trump. It gives a little history back to the good old anti-Communist days of Ronald Reagan. You know something is wrong with a progressive if those days begin to look good to me. 

It is CHILLING that the American Rightwingnut Christians extremists across the nation see no problem with a US tied to Russia. They rather like it ESPECIALLY at gun shows galore and most especially Russia's attack on LGBTs. 

Attacks on LGBT human beings are normal in Russia as were attacks on Jews during the era of pogroms the very reason my grandparents got out and came here. They never knew when they would be attacked. Same thing with gays. More worrisome is attacks here are up. Thank you Mr. Trump for your most humane influence (I JEST) on American culture. Nothing but the very best haters. 

It is time to unite against this cancerous curse of Trump that has invaded our nation. I KNOW we are more than Trumpian Republicans; I know we are better than Trumpian Republicans and I know we must loudly and strongly say so! RESIST!

Chad Ludington’s Statement on Kavanaugh’s Drinking and Senate Testimony

Chad Ludington, a Yale classmate of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s who said he often drank with him, issued a statement on Sunday saying the Supreme Court nominee was not truthful about his drinking in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

Here is the full text of the statement:

I have been contacted by numerous reporters about Brett Kavanaugh and have not wanted to say anything because I had nothing to contribute about what kind of justice he would be. I knew Brett at Yale because I was a classmate and a varsity basketball player and Brett enjoyed socializing with athletes. Indeed, athletes formed the core of Brett’s social circle.

In recent days I have become deeply troubled by what has been a blatant mischaracterization by Brett himself of his drinking at Yale. When I watched Brett and his wife being interviewed on Fox News on Monday, and when I watched Brett deliver his testimony under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, I cringed. For the fact is, at Yale, and I can speak to no other times, Brett was a frequent drinker, and a heavy drinker. I know, because, especially in our first two years of college, I often drank with him. On many occasions I heard Brett slur his words and saw him staggering from alcohol consumption, not all of which was beer. When Brett got drunk, he was often belligerent and aggressive. On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.

I do not believe that the heavy drinking or even loutish behavior of an 18- or even 21-year-old should condemn a person for the rest of his life. I would be a hypocrite to think so. However, I have direct and repeated knowledge about his drinking and his disposition while drunk. And I do believe that Brett’s actions as a 53-year-old federal judge matter. If he lied about his past actions on national television, and more especially while speaking under oath in front of the United States Senate, I believe those lies should have consequences. It is truth that is at stake, and I believe that the ability to speak the truth, even when it does not reflect well upon oneself, is a paramount quality we seek in our nation’s most powerful judges.

I can unequivocally say that in denying the possibility that he ever blacked out from drinking, and in downplaying the degree and frequency of his drinking, Brett has not told the truth.

I felt it was my civic duty to tell of my experience while drinking with Brett, and I offer this statement to the press. I have no desire to speak further publicly, and nothing more to say to the press at this time. I will, however, take my information to the F.B.I.

I hope it is not too late

 That is EXACTLY right.   Kavanaugh is a beast if he thought it was so smart to put that in his yearbook for all time. Are we supposed to say HA HA?  NO, I say I think I want to throw up at the thought of putting this sickening slime on the most powerful prestigious court of intellect and wisdom in the now so called "free world." How did we sink so low? I place the blame everywhere in an anything goes culture! The blame as I have thought for a long time must be placed in many parts of our culture.

I loved the late Sixties throwing off the stagnant, hypocrisy of the Fifties.  I thought the late Sixties to be an era that meant a humanitarian sea change for the poor, the sick, the elderly, the sad and the dispossessed bestowing those rights that had been given to everyone else but held back from particular others whose skin was a different color or whose orientation was different from the majority.

I thought the Sixties meant love and not hate. I thought it meant instead of killing human beings we would help them out of poverty and war. The only thing our sad excuse for a president that was used by him and now his SCOTUS choice, Kavanaugh, was unbridled, lewd, licentious and lascivious, talk and behavior that said if it feels good do it no matter who it hurts. NO, to me the Sixties meant the freedom to conduct one's physical life without fear of physical harm, shame or guilt that lead to suicide. It meant a release of the bonds of social servitude.

As usual our species took it to the heights of Everest allowing many to hurt especially weaker women and weaker people anyway they, the privileged white few men, wanted. The metamorphosis of the Sixties did not mean that to me. I never thought about the political right with presidential support morphing it into a permanent culture of hate.

What have we become as a nation? This administration has ushered in the unbridled debauchery of Rome at its worst -- the barbarians at the gate. I blame myself too for thinking there would be finally in this nation a humanitarian example to the world and not begin the potential destruction of a nation. I did not mean this to be so. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. 😢. After the barbarity of Trump we must right a host of wrongs including those to our planet.  I hope it is not too late!

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...