Monday, October 01, 2018

Trump, Russia and Hate

I wondered if anyone saw a fabulous "On Assignment" with Richard Engel. He talks about definite ties between Russia/Putin AND Trump. It gives a little history back to the good old anti-Communist days of Ronald Reagan. You know something is wrong with a progressive if those days begin to look good to me. 

It is CHILLING that the American Rightwingnut Christians extremists across the nation see no problem with a US tied to Russia. They rather like it ESPECIALLY at gun shows galore and most especially Russia's attack on LGBTs. 

Attacks on LGBT human beings are normal in Russia as were attacks on Jews during the era of pogroms the very reason my grandparents got out and came here. They never knew when they would be attacked. Same thing with gays. More worrisome is attacks here are up. Thank you Mr. Trump for your most humane influence (I JEST) on American culture. Nothing but the very best haters. 

It is time to unite against this cancerous curse of Trump that has invaded our nation. I KNOW we are more than Trumpian Republicans; I know we are better than Trumpian Republicans and I know we must loudly and strongly say so! RESIST!

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Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

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