Monday, March 28, 2011

Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here: Rolling Stone Magazine has published and plastered all over cyber space without a doubt the MOST gruesome pics taken of acts allegedly committed by The Kill Team -- American Stryker Brigade in Afghanistan. It shows pics of tortured and dismembered Afghanistanis some probably innocent and unarmed who were allegedly just creamed by our soldiers even dismembering bodies, heads and limbs. It is sickening beyond words -- Holocaust type sickening. Is this the level to which we have stooped -- the level of the oft touted barbarity of our enemy? If you are the faint of heart do not click on the link.

I do not care how many tours of duty a solider has, I do not care how difficult the task a soldier is asked to do, I do not care how psychologically sick a soldier has become because of the nature of war the judgment at Nuremberg instructs -- NO it DEMANDS -- that a code of conduct be followed by the civilized world. The men who perpetrated this madness breached that code, need to be court marshaled and tried for murder. Then the International Criminal Court should try them for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

It metaphorically in pic No. 9 shows a sign with words taken from "Dante's Inferno": "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here." I would say that sums it up just fine.

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  I wrote this last week and for the most part sat on it because I did not want my writing to imply anything against Israel. As stated agai...