Thursday, October 28, 2010

This is a response to Joan Vennochi's 10/28/10 column in the Boston Globe entitled "A star on the GOP stage" which proclaims the virtues of the Republican governor of New Jersey and big mouth in chief, Chris Christie.

Really, Ms. Vennochi, you are calling the puffed up chauvinist Chris Christi a STAR? Why because he may be able to "NAIL the SNOOKY vote!” Oh now that is a claim to fame I can admire -- someone who captures the Snooky vote! I cannot wait until we have a president who appeals to those brilliants who watch "Jersey Shore." You say "Christie has what other politicians desperately seek: AUTHENTICITY?" Is authenticity a euphemism for charismatic BOAR. I thought we just got rid of a macho strutting dolt in 2008 who nearly ran the ship of state aground and who by his moronic policies buried thousands of our young. So the thing you admire is Christi's charismatic straight talk telling it just like it is. Please explain to me how New Jersey is going to recoup the money ALREADY spent for a tunnel half completed but now stopped.

While your at it please ask him what magazines he reads and see if he stumbles answering that brain tickler just like Sarah Barracuda genius did. You say Republican consultant Todd Domke says "He's no less appealing because he's a big guy. In fact it sort of goes with his Everyman persona. He is not out bicycling like John Kerry ... He' busy cutting the fat out of state government." Isn't that special and ironic! Now he's just like Everyman and wow he may even be ME. No I don't think I identify with THAT type of Everyman. Bicycling, though, it is true is oh so sheik, elitist and intelligent. It's certainly not at all what the American Everyman does and absolutely NOT what Americans want their politicos to be -- INTELLIGENT. They LOVE guys who wolf down burgers dripping in fat and drenched in cheese who can take up the cudgels finger-pointing and threatening an elderly man merely asking a question that Republican candidate, Meg Whitman, cannot answer. What a guy if only ALL of our elected officials were just like that.

Maybe Chris Christie should THINK about cutting is own PLETHORA rolls of fat rather than cut programs of a state in desperate need of services before a myocardial infarction stops his cost cutting adventure in its tracks or would that be just too elitist to do -- READ A BOOK on nutrition. While your proclaiming this latest Republican blowhard's ever-so-American characteristics I have JUST the book for you to read: "Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free" by Charles P. Pierce.

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