Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Court Directs Banks To Provide Trump Financial Records To House Democrats

"Trump is expected to appeal the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court." 

A blogger wrote: I see the SC refusing to hear the case and let stand the lower court ruling. Even the rightists and Tumpists on the court know they are lifetime appointees and will be around after Trump. If they want to be respected and taken seriously and in one case avoid impeachment , they would have to rule with the constitution in mind, seeing they are strict originalists. Congressional oversight is a primary responsibility listed in the constitution. No lifetime judges at this level would want to be associated with being a Trump apologist ignoring black letter law. Trump should be careful what he wishes for when it comes to the Supreme Court.

My Comment:  I hope the blogger is right.  It remains that these "conservative" justices do not have to be conservative if they do not want to and since they travel in the circles they do and were put on the court by Trump they may not want to either incur his wrath, ruin the Republican Party and defeat Trump in an election because of all the illegalities that it is alleged his finances would show.

Republicans have shown time and time and time again that corruption is their middle name. They will do anything for power and money including kiss an adversary's behind. Trump is SO clearly guilty of all of the impeachment charges as stellar witnesses' testimonies have shown but the Republican Senate will twist themselves into a pretzel to somehow someway give excuses and rationales for their voting with Trump and not removing him as he SO mightily deserves. SCOTUS could do the same, destroying the balance of power our Founders so judiciously created. It would be the end of democracy as we know it.

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