Tuesday, November 26, 2019

More worrying

Hoping when the Sup. Ct. says they will take up the case of the finding of the lower court that the law breaker-in-chief must produce his taxes that the Sup. Ct. will put an end to Trump's delaying tactic and find FINALLY that he must respond to Congress's request and produce his taxes that we have a system of checks and balances and he is not a king and above the law so he must produce them. I worry though that so many so called "conservatives" on the Sup. Ct. that Trump with his side kick McConnell who stopped O'Bama's superb pick of Merritt Garland that this will have a deleterious effect on decisions which should go a just way. That is I hope the Supremes will not reverse the lower court and say Trump has the executive power to stop a demand of Congress to submit his taxes to Congress. 

We shall have to wait to see. It would have been a just decision if the Sup. Ct. let the lower court's finding stand which would have meant he must submit his taxes so that the American people can see if Trump is a crook which everyone knows he is. His claim of executive power should ring hollow in view of so many other decisions that order him to obey Congress, the first branch of our government. I hope that decision comes down in the people's favor and fast putting an end to this breach of the public trust and enshrine the institutional nature of a checks and balances system in the same way Nixon had to produce the tapes that proved his guilt even though Nixon thought too that he was above the law. He wasn't and neither should Trump be above the law. This has profound influence on future presidencies.

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  I wrote this last week and for the most part sat on it because I did not want my writing to imply anything against Israel. As stated agai...