Sunday, November 04, 2018

My Prayer

I cannot watch election coverage yet.  It makes me too nervous because in reality no one really knows until the day the majority of the vote is cast.  I am not going to let myself get excited if the media says a certain Democrat is ahead nor am I going to want to kill myself if I hear a horrible Republican is ahead of a Democrat whom I think is so good.

Beto O'Rourke, charismatic candidate for the US Senate from Texas, is excellent by anyone's standard and Ted Cruz, the Republican whom he is running against, is policy rancid and ugly on the inside to boot.  If Texas passes O'Rourke up they are simply, in my opinion, nuts.
Back to the Patriots football game.  If the Pats begin to lose big I'm onto Columbo my program of sanity preservation.

Say a brocha, cross yourself or pray to Allah.  We need to cover every base and hope that if there is a God he will want to save this nation, the last great hope for democracy, from the worst most disgusting, sickening, crude, rude, and corrupt swamp Trump that ever landed on the American political scene!   

How did Trump happen?  There will be analysis of that for centuries.  For now we can only do what we can do.  Pray, hope and then vote Democratic to save the nation's life, your life and your children's lives.   

The watch words of the Jewish faith are: Sh'ma Yisra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.  I hope others will say their meaningful prayers or meditations and that it will help.  I will say one Tuesday morning and hope there is a higher power which loves justice, hates injustice and that the corrupt unjust swamp of Trump will get its just reward -- a sentence to the ash heap of history and roundly experience the defeat it so justly deserves! 

Send this to anyone you choose!

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