Friday, December 08, 2017

Roy Moore Believes America Was Great During Slavery -- Churchill, Deuteronomy 6, A shining city

As Republicans in Congress cabalistically try to impugn doubt and suspicion on special counsel Mueller to try to remove him and his pristine investigation since he is getting closer to the indictable illegalities Trump's family and cohorts allegedly have committed trying to form an alliance with Russia and other egregious acts.  For political reasons a great progressive Democratic Senator Franken is besieged and run out of the Senate post haste without trial or defense; without facing his accusers he is forced to resign but Republican Roy Moore, a pedophile whose accusers even Republicans do not doubt, will soon be seated in the illustrious body of the US Senate.  A Chief Executive remains in the highest seat of power, has been allowed to get away with the most heinous crimes of assault on women, pass a tax bill that will not even help our people who suffer the California fires losing everything including their homes.  Trump has allegedly committed other crimes against our Constitution, our nation state and against humanity itself.  Where has justice gone, where has fairness gone and where has our rational national mind and will gone?

Roy Moore soon to be Senator Moore thinks slavery was a dandy idea (see link below) and a wonderful way to organize society.  He yearns to return to that era and our national Republican Party will accept him into the highest halls of our national power.  Our nation's Republican Party has gone insane with greed, the acquisition of power and the money they can squeeze out of it.  Republicans, as George Carlin said, want it all.  They want your Social Security, your Medicare and Medicaid. They, he said, want it back, they want it all back so they and their friends on Wall Street can get it.  They do not care if we die in their attempt to even eliminate our access to affordable health care by repealing the ACA mandate.

Bannon, Trump's brain, wants a violent chaotic clash of worldly civilizations and he wants the chaos of a race war to descend upon this nation.  Will he fight those wars?  Will he put his own skin in the game?  Will Trump put his skin in the game?  I suspect his bone spurs will preclude that.

We must fight Republican's attempts to bring down investigative special counsel Mueller creating a Constitutional crisis in this nation. This is what happens when a nation elects con men and stupids over smart, rational and kind.  This is when our big brain crumbles and ruins the last great hope of democracy as Republicans dupe its innocent supporters who do not know not to drink the Kool Aid.  

Even though states have fallen to Republican madness or may fall into the grip of fascistic reactionary politics we who believe in democracy, fairness and justice for all -- paraphrasing and amending for my own purposes Churchillian verbal greatness -- we must not flag or fail. We must go on to the end, we must fight with growing confidence and growing strength whatever the cost may be, we must never surrender.  This should be the promise to our posterity.  Our Constitutional democracy as it has evolved over 240 years is what should be left to our future generations.  Paraphrasing in pertinent part Deuteronomy 6 and Ronald Reagan too ... Repeat the fairness ideals of our Constitutional republic.  Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up so that someday they will inherit the justice of our democracy and return to the creation of that shining city on the hill!

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