This is a running commentary on contemporary social, political and religious issues. From the Introduction of James Comey's book "A Higher Loyalty -- Truth, Lies and Leadership" "Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary" Reinhold Niebuhr
Monday, November 30, 2020
"Why I lie about being Disabled" by Kara Garbe Balcerzak: Why I do NOT lie about being disabled.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Supreme Court Blocks New York COVID-19 Restrictions On Religious Gatherings--Supremely awful
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Downfall. Bunker Boy starts his run for the big house.-- A MUST READ By Grumpy Geezer--THIS SAYS IT ALL in ways I could not emulate
No grace, no dignity, no humility, no magnanimity, no class, no morals, no empathy, no soul.
He has no friends, not even a dog.
His wife can’t bear his touch, his daughter can’t avoid it.
Devoid of humour he doesn’t make jokes, he doesn’t laugh. Not ever. An occasional dismal rictus, a necrotic gash in his ochre-lacquered face-bladder signifies nothing more than his satisfaction in transacting another con.
He’s a loathsome coagulation of every human failing with no compensating virtues.
A craven coward.
A sociopath.
A serial rapist.
A racist.
A quisling.
An opportunistic grifter.
An inveterate cheat.
A deceitful toad.
A chronic liar.
A shameless braggart.
An ignoramus who lacks curiosity. He doesn’t read, he doesn’t care.
Trump is a ridiculous, combed-over cartoon villain, a deranged clown with a face sprayed the colour of hang-over piss and toilet paper stuck to his shoe whose wits are defeated by an open umbrella. Rake the forests, nuke the hurricanes, inject the bleach, waterbomb Notre Dame cathedral, trade Greenland for Puerto Rico. Trump’s pompous idiocies are exceeded only by his appalling ignorance.
Crediting the British with the foresight to build airstrips in the war of independence 110 years before the Wright Brothers first took flight, revealing the hitherto unknown Himalayan countries of Nipple and Button, accusing Baltic leaders of starting Balkans wars! This clueless buffoon brags that he was able to keep the crayon inside the lines on his dementia test. Accusing Trump of a lack of self-awareness is like accusing Myra Hindley of poor child care standards.
The Grand Fubar of dysfunction, the maestro of petty vindictiveness, of malice and resentful belligerence is testing coup options yet America flatters itself as being “the world’s greatest democracy” much to the bemusement of observers here in Oz. It’s beyond our imagining that we’d ever have a bloated braggart, a liar, a hypocrite, a lazy shirker, a crony-stacking blame shifter at the helm filtering Murdoch’s kidney stones through his teeth while monetising a pandemic for the benefit of rich mates. Oh… what?
Trump, if he’d had the imagination, would’ve considered handing out small-pox infected blankets in Democrat-leaning districts but it’s too late now. A majority of Americans have said enough is enough. After 4 years of what-the-fuck-has-he-done-now, 46,123 tweets and 20,000 documented lies while in office to 9th July 2020 he’s been reduced to pathetic whimperings from his puckered-sphincter pout, playing his invisible accordion to an audience of gormless dullards, fellow hucksters and his retinue of fawning toadies, thralls, invertebrate lickspittles and hangers-on whose fealty is demanded but never reciprocated and who had neither the self-respect nor the courage to call out the capture of the US by an amoral, moronic lunatic.
We cannot know what tipped the scales against Trump.
No lie has been too outrageous, bragging about sexual assault was just locker-room talk, five bankruptcies are apparently indicative of an astute businessman, stealing from a children’s cancer charity is fake news. Being laughed at by foreign leaders – meh, because y’all – “Merica!” Throwing meat to Boogaloos, Proud Boys, Klansmen and Call Of Duty cos-players was addressing his base. Perhaps it was inciting violence from uniformed goon squads spooled onto lawful BLM protesters that crossed the line. Perhaps it was the denigration of war dead and veterans as losers and suckers by a draft-dodging, yellow, mangy dog that did it.
More likely it was 11 million Covid-infected Americans, a quarter of a million who died while the orange blobulator ignored it, denied it, played it down, finger-pointed and then looked for ways to exploit it for his own advantage.
There is no excusing Trump, there is no sympathy that should be wasted on this pathetic parasite. History should not record him as some sort of tragic King Lear but as an effluvium, a discharge from the bowels of a diseased system; a funk that has now been sharted.
He had always exhibited the narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders of a lack of empathy, grandiosity, lying and deceit, indifference to conventional laws or rules or morality that characterise a despot. But he possessed none of the cunning, artifice, commitment to a cause beyond himself, the political skills of a Stalin or the oratory of a Mussolini. He had no ambition beyond the grift and the trappings – palaces awash with potentate kitsch, a yearning for military parades, a pneumatic wife and his narcissistic cult of personality. He has no talent beyond the con, he’s a schmuck with the dumb luck to be born into wealth that mestasised B-grade celebrity into A-grade larceny.
Fittingly, he’s spending his last days shaping his own humiliation. It’s an Armando Iannucci script playing out in real life. If Trump was to be found drooling in a pool of his own piss ala Stalin or dragged Sadam-like from his bolt-hole it would be the most metaphorically noteworthy achievement of his time in office.
Gone too will be his dreadful spawn. Ivanka’s in-it-up-to-her-nose-job reputation may limit her future career prospects to hand-job supervisor at a New York sperm bank while Uday and Qusay* could end up in Ryker’s Island trading sexual favours for lines.
The end of America’s nightmare is near. However it plays out over the next two months Trump is finished.
The irrelevant man.
A loser.
Tony Blinken (our new Secretary of State) and Sesame Street's Grover chat about refugees at U.N. General Assembly
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Electoral College Madness--Turning in their Graves
Friday, November 20, 2020
Stealing a Home Run
Sunday, November 15, 2020
"GOP Leaders In 4 States Quash Dubious Trump Scheme On Electors"
This report (linked below) is very satisfying. Take heart all the Biden supporters, including me, who are ravaged by fear that Trump will perfect some Trumpian dirty trick to, in fact, steal the election by turning Democratic electors Republican on December 14 when electors vote.
This election has been proven to be one of the cleanest elections in US history and four Republican leaders in the four crucial electoral states of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will not send Republican electors instead of Democratic ones won by Biden overturning the will of their state's population.
Still my heart will not sit entirely calm until Jan. 20 when Biden takes the oath of office and I breathe a sigh of relief!
Saturday, November 14, 2020
The Eichmann Show -- The Face of Fascism
Revisiting the Holocaust, the killing of six million Jews including 1.5 million children as well as millions of others remains for me the single most important historical event that solidified my left of center humanitarian political stand. I deliberated many years ago the differences between the right and the left on the political spectrum before I arrived at my conclusion. The presidency of Donald Trump with its avowed extremist nationalism and racism's white separatist allure brought to us by a charismatic, corrupt and fatally narcissistic conman serves to emphasize why the rejection of Donald Trump must be perfected. Under Trump's generalized blanket of anti-immigrant spewings and its proclivity to let stand its supporters’ advocacy for violence it becomes crystal clear why we must reject it by all non-violent means necessary. Trump is the face of Fascism in our time and is no less frightening then it was during the beginning of the Nazi menace a generation or two ago. It is racist, it is authoritarian in nature and antidemocratic in practice.
"The Eichmann Show" was riveting. Whether one knows much about the Holocaust or whether one is being introduced to it by this film it is imperative to know how simple it is for a once rational nation state to drift into totalitarian Fascism and why we must pay any price to reject it.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Monday, November 09, 2020
November 3, 2020 – Reflections on Tyranny--the Threat of the Trump Presidency
While I thrill at the Democratic victory and savor the
moment of the Biden/Harris win, the presidential election was close.
Why is this nation divided still split right down the middle as
significantly as it was in 1860, the dawn of the Civil War.
Trump did not get the majority of votes but he surely did get enough to
leave some of us scratching our heads as to why. Trump to me was the
most corrupt, most mendacious, the most sadistic, the meanest, most self
inflated narcissist to ever hold the nation's highest office -- the
presidency. What was Trump's appeal to so many -- mostly white men but
not all -- in this our representative democracy?
His enablers, the entirety of the Republican Party feared him so much so even in the face of impeachable offenses such as the abuse of power, contempt of Congress, and subverting the rule of law they refused to find him guilty and remove him from office even though clear impeachable offenses were committed. In the face of numerous corruptions, illegalities and unconstitutional actions, Trump got away seemingly with it all as America became weary of it all. Why would one half of America choose to ignore 250 years of a democratic experiment, often the envy of the world, and support a leader who was a human wrecking ball to a democratic system with designs on power far greater than even two terms as president. Why? I can only guess.
I feared Trump because of the lessons other fascist states can teach. Fascism can happen anywhere and nearly happened here. How many times have I asked myself how could a bastion of intellect and a nation of learning that was Germany raise its arms in the Nazi salute for a totalitarian demagogue and mass murderer that was Adolph Hitler. If it could happen there as I looked at Trump and thought it surely can happen here.
"You have a republic," said Ben Franklin, if you can keep it." Democracy stands by a fragile Constitutional thread. It can be lost more easily than it was created. All it takes is the will to erase it and a leader that takes advantage of that will.
In the end, this nation showed its exceptionalism because the greatest threat to its democracy, a second election of Donald Trump, was thwarted. This election shows that this nation is a democracy in the fabric and the sinews of its being but that we must be ever vigilant to keep it strong because tyranny can happen anywhere even here!
Monday, November 02, 2020
Flip the Senate and more
If you feel intimidated by an observer or see behavior that concerns you at the polls talk to the warden. The warden is empowered to enforce all election laws and regulations. A police officer is located at each polling place to aid the warden in that duty.
Should there be an issue that cannot be resolved with the warden, you can also call your local election office and/or the Election Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office. That toll-free number, 1-800-462-VOTE, is posted at every polling place, along with the “voter’s bill of rights.”
Sunday, November 01, 2020
The Depths of Depravity - Ensure your vote counts--added and edited
In Texas a Biden campaign bus was surrounded, harassed and attempted to be run off the
road with an event cancelled; the Texas governor pulled drop off boxes and placed only one
in a heavily minority and democratic area.
In North Carolina parents and children are pepper sprayed during a peaceful march.
In Pennsylvania Republicans are trying to suppress the minority vote and to the extent they cannot they are trying to get the votes tabulated as late as possible. The goal is to try to count the votes until later of Democrats who have voted in huge numbers so Republicans can delay the election and to throw out votes of probable Democrats any way Republicans can. Indeed Republicans would like to keep Democrats from voting at all.
I am not doubting that Biden would win if (a big if) the votes are counted fairly and legally but because the liar-in-chief Trump does not care about that and only cares about his showing a win he will do anything ... anything ... including voter suppression, lying and cheating like dumping post office sorting machines by his Republican contributor lackey, DeJoy, appointed by Trump as so called "Postmaster General," to ensure a win by any surreptitious means necessary.
This is a man who paid someone to take his college boards because he knew he was not that bright! Trump is a mendacious, unethical and inhumane deplorable man. He is killing hundreds by having maskless rallies and is responsible for hundreds of thousands of American COVID deaths by not taking the virus seriously. He knew COVID was a huge viral threat deadlier than the flu as Bob Woodward in his book "Rage" caught him on tape saying so. Because he wanted his numbers to look good he did not care about the deaths and said to hell with the numbers. He wanted the numbers suppressed and to that end he would lie, do and say all that could to make him look good. It was not the American public panicking that was his worry but rather it was Trump panicking so much so he would say anything, including lie, about it to show the numbers were low when they were high. No testing for him as the tests would reveal the truth about the high numbers of Americans infected with the virus and still counting. His actions surrounding COVID have been unconscionable because Trump has no conscience and to the extent he cares about anything he cares about only himself.
To show the depths of Trumpian depravity he -- if one can believe this -- said that the doctors treating patients for COVID profit from their deaths. That should be deemed illegal but even he is Constitutionally covered by free speech even if it is mendacious speech. One cannot yell fire in a crowded theater said Oliver Wendall Homes in the 1919 SCOTUS decision Schenck v. United States, as some speech cannot be free when it is a clear and present danger endangering the lives of many. One wonders if a president lies about an uber contagious virus that kills should he not be held to account and punished for his lies? The depths of the human depravity of Trump can not be underestimated.
Vote blue in person November 3 arriving early where you vote or better still by depositing a ballot in a designated drop off box. Do it NOW before November 3 and to ensure your vote counts.
Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November
I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight. Having followed thin...
Comment of Occupy Democrats: By Colin Taylor. I could not have said it better than this introductory thoughts by Colin. The president'...
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