Monday, March 30, 2020

Science Rules

"Falwell partially reopened the school, and now nearly a dozen students reportedly have symptoms."

My Comment: Science Rules: What a great Dickensian name in our era--Fallwell.  The name rather should be Fallsick.
Science rules and it always has despite the religious fanatics throughout history who have tried to impede its march. Science saves lives and religious fanaticism which is anti science destroys them. Millions historically have suffered and died at the alter of one religion or another that claims to know truth but only knows made up fabrications, myths, stories, and lies.

Now in our time science is bringing that true truth home to all who will listen; whether it's through the Carona virus or through climate change science shows the way. It is up to our big brained species to finally realize that and ditch fantasy religious or otherwise that steals man's brain and/or his wallet from him.  How much money did Jerry Falwell, his heirs and his cohorts rake in from their suffering faithful including from Liberty University? Probably the take is millions upon millions. Do not send your hard earned cash to them. They probably laugh all the way to the bank rejoicing because it is so easy to rope the sick, the tired of life's travails, and the frightened into believing myths that make them feel better and endure a life that is as Hobbs said nasty, brutish and short.

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