Monday, March 30, 2020


Andrea Mitchell interviewed Christina Mulligan former Director for Preparedness and response from the Department of Justice now Managing Director for National Security and International policy of the American Enterprise Institute. She said the Trump Administration opted NOT to use a pandemic playbook created by the National Security staff which was written to help officials confront a range of biological threats.

Mitchell asked how could this have helped an early pandemic response? Mulligan said the Trump administration was given a gift by the previous administration which would have allowed them not to start from ground zero. They would have been given a head start in figuring out what the decision points were and what actions needed to be taken to get ahead of this pandemic. It is hard to tell, Mulligan said, whether they just did not realize what they had or choose to ignore it because there was a bias against everything to do with the prior administration and they would not leverage any information or expertise from it. Mulligan said she worked with Admiral Ziemer from the Global Health Initiative and said he was like a quarterback with respect to a response to Ebola and global health issues like pandemics. 

 Mulligan said there was a groundswell within the career civil servant community in 2017 and 2018 to create a national level exercise conducted every two years to build muscle memory across departments and agencies on how to respond to various types of threats and incidents including pandemics. There was a lot of arguing that the US was under prepared for a pandemic but those ideas were overruled by the White House and the global exercise never took place. -- Dastardly

The President is Trapped

An excellent article in The Atlantic: "The President is Trapped" 

"Trump is utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis, either intellectually or temperamentally." ... 

I suggest you read this wonderful article from a variety of academically excellent contributors at the link below!

Science Rules

"Falwell partially reopened the school, and now nearly a dozen students reportedly have symptoms."

My Comment: Science Rules: What a great Dickensian name in our era--Fallwell.  The name rather should be Fallsick.
Science rules and it always has despite the religious fanatics throughout history who have tried to impede its march. Science saves lives and religious fanaticism which is anti science destroys them. Millions historically have suffered and died at the alter of one religion or another that claims to know truth but only knows made up fabrications, myths, stories, and lies.

Now in our time science is bringing that true truth home to all who will listen; whether it's through the Carona virus or through climate change science shows the way. It is up to our big brained species to finally realize that and ditch fantasy religious or otherwise that steals man's brain and/or his wallet from him.  How much money did Jerry Falwell, his heirs and his cohorts rake in from their suffering faithful including from Liberty University? Probably the take is millions upon millions. Do not send your hard earned cash to them. They probably laugh all the way to the bank rejoicing because it is so easy to rope the sick, the tired of life's travails, and the frightened into believing myths that make them feel better and endure a life that is as Hobbs said nasty, brutish and short.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tantamount to Murder

No, it is not the Carona virus but the link below (the history of vaccines) does show how difficult it was to land on an effective vaccine and how long it took to perfect it.  The disease was polio which showed up here in 1894.  Early vaccine trials did not begin until 1935. This shows one how long it took to develop the correct vaccine for a disease as it went through a number of  trials and tribulations. Polio cases surged in 1952 and early vaccine tests began then.  I remember the epidemic of 1954 and remember well iron lungs and rocking beds lined up in hospital corridors there to help those who suffered the bulbar form of polio making breathing on one's own impossible. Vaccine tests began then and the first vaccine trial emerged in 1955.  It suffered a set back, though, as some children had suffered paralysis and even died after receiving the vaccine.  In 1957 the oral polio vaccine was tested to mitigate IPV (inactive polio vaccine) transmission of the disease.   Today the CDC recommends that children get four doses of IPV polio vaccine at 2 months old, at 4 months old, 6-18 months old and at 4-6 years old.  It took many years and experience with the poliomyelitis virus to arrive at an efficacious protocol. 

The goal of eradicating polio from the face of the earth still lives as primitive fear, religious superstition, war and other social upheavals prevent the complete eradication of the disease.  Even now if there are pockets of world wide failure to vaccinate a nation's populace it will mean the virus will return.

No one should expect and Dr. Fauci has said a Carona vaccine is a year or a year and a half away from human testing.  A vaccine would not be made available to the public unless it is deemed safe through vigorous testing protocols.  The first ethical rule of medical doctors is first do no harm.  As seen with polio much can go wrong if there is further proliferation of the disease by the very vaccine that is supposed to protect against it.  In the mean time the public should follow the advice of seasoned medical experts in the field of immunology and epidemiology who have vast experience all over the world in the phenomena of viral disease transmission.  One should dismiss in no uncertain terms the advice given out by laymen, charlatans looking to make a fast illegal buck or an unethical mendacious president looking to win the next election. 

To put the American and, indeed, the world population at risk of escalating the numbers of dead into the hundreds of thousands or even millions by ordering the nation back to work too soon risking the spread of this tenacious virus even more.  The only advice the public should accept is that of Dr. Fauci and other experienced infectious disease specialists and experts.  To advocate for anything else would be unconscionable and even tantamount to murder!


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Unstable and No Genius--"How the Pandemic Will End" The Atlantic by Ed Young + My Comment

"In recent days,Trump has signaled that he is prepared to backtrack on social-distancing policies in a bid to protect the economy. Pundits and business leaders have used similar rhetoric, arguing that high-risk people, such as the elderly, could be protected while lower-risk people are allowed to go back to work. Such thinking is seductive, but flawed. It overestimates our ability to assess a person’s risk, and to somehow wall off the ‘high-risk’ people from the rest of society. It underestimates how badly the virus can hit ‘low-risk’ groups, and how thoroughly hospitals will be overwhelmed if even just younger demographics are falling sick.

A recent analysis from the University of Pennsylvania estimated that even if social-distancing measures can reduce infection rates by 95 percent, 960,000 Americans will still need intensive care. There are only about 180,000 ventilators in the U.S. and, more pertinently, only enough respiratory therapists and critical-care staff to safely look after 100,000 ventilated patients. Abandoning social distancing would be foolish. Abandoning it now, when tests and protective equipment are still scarce, would be catastrophic."

My Comment:  Trump is the absolute WORST president to be in office when this catastrophic pandemic event requires smart prescient leadership and advice taken from scientists. Instead we have an unstable far-from-genius president who is leading us up to and potentially over the abyss crowing that he has an instinct for what is medically right during this pandemic. He cares about two things only -- himself and his money!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Trump Rejects New York’s Plea For Ventilators: ‘I Don’t Believe You Need’ That Many--My Comment: Unstable stupid

 Trump's 'back-to-work' plan and his refusal to supply the New York epicenter of Carona virus with more ventilators it so desperately needs is murderous.  It will make things worse, experts say.   If president Unstable Stupid issues back to work orders even for just specific areas of the nation that have low viral numbers he will be responsible for the murder of thousands more because the virus does not care about state or county boundaries.  It will invade by eminent domain any human it can thereby in Darwinian fashion increasing its numbers no matter which state is back to work.  Those back to work will infect others.  Those states with low viral load will not stay that way if a back to work order is manifested.  Isolation and limiting human to human contact is still the best method that is now available to the nation and the world to lower the curve as China and S. Korea can attest.  Otherwise, the numbers of sick and dying will rise exponentially and then what?  He will ensure more will die who need not die and be responsible for untold suffering that's what.

The unfit-for-the-presidency Trump needs to be removed from office and fast before he annihilates the nation with his unbridled narcissism allowing for the stupidest of his sociopathic murderous policies to prevail.  He cares about one thing -- his own survival -- while damning the nation to untold suffering and attendant death. It is ironic that a back to work order will, I surely hope, ensure his November electoral defeat.  The nation must not take any chances though.  He could unthinkably win another term.  This gargoyle must be stopped now by any legal means necessary before he condemns true Trump death panels to so many who need not die! 


Thursday, March 26, 2020


A fellow blogger sent this to me.  It is an FYI.
"This is the best description of the danger of virus mutation that I have seen lately and why this virus is so dangerous.
“Feeling confused as to why Coronavirus is a bigger deal than Seasonal flu?
Here it is in a nutshell. I hope this helps. Feel free to share this with others who don’t understand ... It has to do with RNA sequencing ... i.e. genetics."
Seasonal flu is an “all human virus”. The DNA/RNA chains that make up the virus are recognized by the human immune system. This means that your body has some immunity to it before it comes around each year. You get immunity two ways = through exposure to a virus or by getting a flu shot.
Novel viruses come from animals ... the W.H.O. tracks novel viruses in animals, (sometimes for years watching for mutations). Usually, these viruses only transfer from animal to animal (pigs in the case of H1N1 and birds in the case of the Spanish flu). But once one of these animal viruses mutates and starts to transfer from animals to humans, then it’s a problem. Why? Because we have no natural or acquired immunity … the RNA sequencing of the genes inside the virus isn’t human and the human immune system doesn’t recognize it, so we can’t fight it off.
Now ... sometimes the mutation only allows transfer from animal to human. For years it’s the only transmission -- from an infected animal to a human -- before it finally mutates so that it can now transfer human to human. Once that happens we have a new contagion phase. And depending on the fashion of this new mutation, that’s what decides how contagious or how deadly it’s gonna be. H1N1 was deadly but it did not mutate in a way that was as deadly as the Spanish flu. Its RNA was slower to mutate and it attacked its host differently, too. Fast forward …
Now, here comes this Corona virus ... it existed in animals only for nobody knows how long.
But one day at an animal market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, it mutated and made the jump from animal to people. At first, only animals could give it to a person. But here is the scary part ... in just TWO WEEKS it mutated again and gained the ability to jump from human to human. Scientists call this quick ability “slippery”. This Coronavirus, not being in any form a “human” virus (whereas we would all have some natural or acquired immunity), took off like a rocket. And this was because Humans have no known immunity ... doctors have no known medicines for it.

And it just so happens that this particular mutated animal virus changed itself in such a way that it causes great damage to human lungs. That’s why Coronavirus is different from seasonal flu, or H1N1, or any other type of influenza ... this one is slippery as hell. And it’s a lung eater. And, it’s already mutated AGAIN, so that we now have two strains to deal with, strain S and strain L ... which makes it twice as hard to develop a vaccine.

We really have no tools in our shed with this. History has shown that fast and immediate closings of public places have helped in the past pandemics. Philadelphia and Baltimore were reluctant to close events in 1918 and they were the hardest hit in the US during the Spanish Flu.

And let me end by saying right now it’s hitting older folks harder. But this genome is so slippery -- if it mutates again … who is to say what it will do next. Be smart folks ... acting like you’re unafraid is so not sexy right now: #flattenthecurve.

Let's pray that we can develop a vaccine for the S and L strains before the virus mutates again!

Stay home folks and share this with those that just are not catching on.” 

Share as if your life depends upon it because now you can see it truly does and then vote blue up and down the ticket.  The life you save may be your own and/or that of your family!

Monday, March 23, 2020

By Any Constitutional Means Necessary

Our nation is in serious life and death jeopardy dealing with Corona virus containment. Little has been received that Trump said would be sent because he lies, as we know, all the time.  I cannot repeat all the criticism of the Cretan president I have said and printed in opinion over and over and over again. All should be held accountable for leaving this very  sick man in office. We are all at contagion risk and we do not have to be.

He will not put into play the National Defense Authorization Act he allegedly signed allowing him to harness from private enterprise all this nation so desperately needs such as hospital masks, ventilators, gloves and other personal protective equipment to name but a few things needed. Trump says it is because he does not want to nationalize business. In a pandemic he holds us hostage to ideological belief but has time to tell us how rich he is and how the presidency has cost him so much especially in legal fees?   Perhaps if he did not commit so many illegal and unconstitutional acts it would not cost him so much.  It has cost the American people, too, in millions of tax dollars used by Trump to profit off the presidency.

The president is sadly sick and we must have empathy for one who has a mental illness but no one thinks the American people signed up for a suicide pact enduring Trump's insanity which could kill us. No presidency is worth that. Surely the Congress including the Senate must see that their own lives as witnessed by Rand Paul, and three Congressional others either quarantining themselves or testing positive for the virus and it will keep spreading unless the hospitals have enough protective equipment to curtail it.

This president must be removed from office and fast by any Constitutional means necessary!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Bed of Thorns

Trump and his dastardly minions will never admit fault as his base will gladly accept all the lies he can dish out never questioning the veracity of a thing. That is sad because the fate of all of us, including those like I, who loathe the core of this mendacious man, hangs in the balance.

Taking a cocktail of his "good feeling" drugs like chloroquine, a drug designed for use in malaria and remdesivir, he "feels" are sound even if they can initiate heart attacks and death.  Children or young adults who might take these drugs may suffer an early unpleasant death also when otherwise they may have survived the virus. 

Shame on this unethical, immoral and cruel man who thinks about his own reelection bid and not the fact that there is death all around never asking what the federal government and he can do as the world's most powerful man to ameliorate the condition of the suffering masses.  He hands what should be a unified federal response back to the 50 individual states saying the federal government is not a "shipping clerk."  Really, Trump, really? 

Telling lies about this pandemic whether it be that the duration will be short when it will not, masks are on the way when they are not, Navy medical ships are being groomed into service when they clearly are not or, in the beginning, telling the nation that there is nothing to fear as the virus will run its course and wash over us as soon as the warmer weather ensues when it will last long after is tantamount to murder since many can and will die expecting the bed of roses that Trump dishes out so his polls will go up and while we receive nothing but a bed of thorns.

Pets --do NOT dump your pets -- Please read

From the animal shelter:

You cannot, I repeat you CANNOT get Corona virus from your pets. People are dumping their animals at shelters out of ignorance and fear-please please post this on your page or send it to whomever your choose.  

It is staggering to think that some would not know your animals do not get Corona nor pass Corona on.  Then again this whole saga is staggering to think we are not living in the Twilight Zone nor have leadership that knows what it is doing.  

Get your information on this virus from reputable sources and if you watch daily leadership advice be wary of everything you hear from them as dangerous exaggerations and lies are put forth every day.   Check your questions or information out at the National Institute of Health or even a hospital like MGH or other trustworthy medical sites.  Listen to TV stations that offer academic excellence and facts checked out by experts in the field of immunology and science like MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC or CBS.  Do NOT NOT NOT listen to Fox!

Post this on your FB page or send it to anyone you like!

Friday, March 20, 2020

God Help Us

What is there to say about this disgusting excuse for a so called "president" as he maligns PBS journalist Yamiche Alcindor's and NBC journalist Peter Alexander both of whom lobbed rational questions for Trump to answer (see links below.)  Alexander asked about the Carona virus what do you say to the American people who are scared. Trump insulted both reporters and he insulted the American people's intelligence to see that the questions of both reporters were perfectly appropriate and he could have, if he had an intellect, answered both of them with finesse and dignity.

He handed the reporters, instead, a hammer that public opinion and the media they represent would use to make him look like the dull 3 year old that he is. What happened to this man that he finds it so difficult under the easiest circumstances to answer the easiest of questions from the press with clarity and intelligence. This "president" finds it impossible to reflect either. God help us!



Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The WHO test kits: This is how Trump lies and even his expert gets it wrong!

This is how Trump lies and the bobble heads so called experts try to make Trump look good by nodding and having faulty information.  Dr. Birk said the WHO test kits were not tested and reliable, did not meet the guidelines so Trump rejected them to which Trump concurred. 

FACT: Per MSNBC infectious disease expert: The WHO test kits were reliable but were given free to impoverished nations. The US not being an impoverished nation would have had to pay for them. Trump rejected that but WHO test kits were reliable. The test kits that were NOT reliable and tried at first were the ones from Trump's CDC!!!!!

One must never accept carte blanch anything Trump says.  He lies and he does so all the time.  What is dismaying are his so called expert bobble heads nodding in agreement with him apparently to give him support even when it is an untruth.  Dismaying!  Send this to anyone you choose.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Herd immunity -- my Comment

My comment:  Since the attempt of vaccinating the entire world against polio it has shown that so called "herd immunity" allows those few who have not been vaccinated to not become infected.  I attempted to research just what herd immunity is.  In essence as you can read below it seems to mean that if a large number of people are vaccinated i.e. the majority 60% against the disease in essence simply the virus will peter out and not infect the few who resist vaccination.  Vaccination still remains the gold standard to individual immunity by the body creating antibodies to the disease.  I offer the article below as a definition of herd immunity.

Better analysis of herd immunity:

The Independent
What is herd immunity?

When enough people in a community are vaccinated against a disease, this can make it more difficult for the disease to spread to susceptible individuals who have not yet been or cannot be vaccinated. This, the NHS outlines, is called “herd immunity”.

The Vaccine Knowledge Project at Oxford University explains in greater detail, using the analogy of a person being infected by measles.

“If someone with measles is surrounded by people who are vaccinated against measles, the disease cannot easily be passed on to anyone, and it will quickly disappear again,” the organization states.

“This is called ‘herd immunity’, ‘community immunity’ or ‘herd protection’, and it gives protection to vulnerable people such as newborn babies, elderly people and those who are too sick to be vaccinated”.

However, the organization stresses that herd immunity “only works” if the majority of a population have been vaccinated against a condition, adding that it “does not protect against all vaccine-preventable diseases”.

“Unlike vaccination, herd immunity does not give a high level of individual protection, and so it is not a good alternative to getting vaccinated,” the Vaccine Knowledge Project says.

Professor Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, tells The Independent that the concept of herd immunity is “the basis of all vaccination programs”.

However, it can also occur naturally, he explains, stating: “If you’ve been exposed to any infection, enough people have already been exposed to it, have developed antibodies and they’re immune to it, you can have natural herd immunity, and that particular virus will not be able to cause an epidemic in the population.

“It doesn’t mean it won’t be able to spread as there’ll still be some susceptible people, but it won’t take off and cause an epidemic,” he says.

Friday, March 13, 2020

THERE IS NO TEST; the life you save may be your loved one's or your own

Trump tells lies and he tells them all the time.  We know this to be true as sources, reputable ones, keep track of them.  The number of lies he has told since this mendacious man has occupied the sacred spaces of the oval office is probably nearing 10,000 or more.  Trump lied again saying that everyone who wants a test for the Corona virus can get a test.  That is a bold face lie as admitted to by numerous infectious disease experts inside and outside the administration.  If one comes down with Corona symptoms, calls their doctor and says that he/she needs a test the doctor in all probability will not be able to give them one or not even point the way in the direction for them to get tested.  The risk to our hospital system to appropriately deal with virus sufferers and normal illnesses it treats is huge.

THE FAILURE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO DO ANYTHING IS APOCALYPTIC.  There have been no millions of tests distributed.  The question becomes why is the Republican Party so afraid to call out Trump for the lies he has promulgated which are going to mean sickness and death for ultimately millions if it keeps on going the way of Trump rosy picture painting and just plain lying?  There is zero trust in this administration for anything except surety that this malignant liar will fudge numbers and promote untrue analysis in a way that can best suit his re-election campaign and/or the stock market.  This virus is not going to peter out magically, it is not going to evaporate, it is not going to seasonally die out but it is going to infect those of us who are vulnerable to its poison irrespective of whether one is a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent or a Boy Scout.  It matters not to a biological entity who it infects as long as it does to keep itself alive. It is Darwinian survival at its finest.  Humans do not have the immune system response to this virus because no human body has encountered it before in order to develop an immune response to it.

The irony is without a test and a plan based on testing which the administration it seems deliberately has impeded so Trump will not see the higher numbers that infect the electorate making him worry first and foremost about his campaign and stock numbers, he is reinforcing that more numbers ultimately in the millions will come out to vote against him (I pray.)  Meanwhile, every day wasted without a uniform test and plan to respond to the virus throughout the nation will mean millions more ultimately will be infected and many will die who should not.

Send this to anyone you choose because we are in an emergency.  Lives are at stake and more into the millions perhaps could be infected and die especially those at risk but not limited to those at risk.  Then in November, if Trump has not been given the hook by his supporters turning against him (I can hope) VOTE BLUE UP AND DOWN THE TICKET.  The life you save may be your loved one's life or, in fact, your own!

Monday, March 09, 2020

In U.S., Cases of Coronavirus Cross 500, and Deaths Rise

Deny it if you will but science will do what science will do.  China, where the epidemic began, and  as an authoritarian nation, mandated the strictest control shutting down so many public venues and testing everyone by force if necessary has today reported cases going down.  It is the only nation to report that tells us something about effective control.  The US is NOT in that category by a long shot.  Today Republican senator Ted Cruz who attended the uber conservative CPAC Corona denial conference where one came down with the disease, is now in 14 day quarantine. There is one more Republican in the House that attended the same conference now is in quarantine. There will be more of that I am sure.

The thing that makes this different from the ordinary flu is that there is no vaccine.  It takes at least a year or more to develop one.  People here who contract the flu often have not gotten the vaccine. In 1917 the flu outbreak took world wide 100 million deaths and 675, 000 here in the US. My grandmother nearly died of it.  There was no vaccine.

The Corona virus is new so no one has immunity.  Had a discussion with a veterinarian about it.  He said at some point everyone will get it but on a genetic front it is easier to map the virus's DNA now and that is furiously being done so maybe a vaccine can expeditiously happen but we must first know who has it by testing and that here rolled out with big problems due to incompetent leadership such as the unfit for office Trump and his minions who are in denial mode so the stock market can recover and Trump be reelected. So the testing kits had to be recalled.  Now many more are going out but who and how many get tested remains a sticking point.

Best defense now is hand washing and keeping hands away from one's face, eyes, mouth, nose and even ears and stay tuned to those news outlets which do not deny anything.  Richard Engel had a documentary he reported on last night.  You can Google it if you like.  It is excellent. As one who suffered the effects of a virus it is no joke and the vaccine for polio took years to develop.  It first came out with a glitch that gave paralytic polio to people who were experimented on which is why a vaccine is so difficult to create.  It must be thoroughly tested.  Deny this new virus at your and everyone's peril.

Friday, March 06, 2020

A narcissistic imbecile and a vindictive ignoramus -- By Boston Globe Blogger John Pop

Stay away from people who wear these MAGA hats. They are being given misinformation about the coronavirus from their Dear Leader.

They could be spreading more than lies.

1. Denies WHO's coronavirus death rate based on “hunch"
2. Calls coronavirus "corona flu"
3. Suggests it's fine for people w/ Covid-19 to go to work
4. Compares coronavirus to "the regular flu," indicating he doesn't get the difference

This is what happens when you put a narcissistic imbecile in the White House.

Keep in mind that he has been schooled over and over and over again the last couple of weeks about this virus and the danger involved and he just can’t get it. All he cares about is downplaying the danger so it doesn’t affect the stock market and his re-election.
And the result is that he has failed miserably to deal with this crisis and has let it spread unabated despite having weeks of lead time to get prepared.

And he’s still doing it. Because he’s a vindictive ignoramus and will punish anyone who doesn’t lick his boots, everyone in the public health apparatus of the United States government is having to downplay the risk in ways that go beyond simply telling people not to panic. They have to say that everything’s going great and fluff the president for his “great leadership.”

Trump appears to have let the window for containing coronavirus in the U.S. close on purpose, because he thought that might buoy the stock market and thus his re-election odds. I lack the words. From an honoring-the-oath perspective, it’s probably the worst thing he’s done.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

If I believed

I am so elated by what happened in the primaries last night. I love this nation. I will especially love it if the low life in chief is electorally crushed. We must as Democrats and all people of humane proclivities rally around that which is possible. Joe Biden is possible.

If I were a believer and thought providence intervened in the history of this nation to rescue those who are in trouble I would say that something divine saw the evil among us that is Donald Trump who has wrought horror and brought shame upon us, has brought the corruptness of his being, has turned his back on the poor, the sick and the dispossessed. I would see a power that came to save us. I would say, if I believed, that divine providence has brought to us this miracle of Joe Biden, a good and decent man who has suffered the harsh vicissitudes of life, losing a wife and a young son, then later losing his pride and joy Beau Biden to brain cancer. All these things have made Joe Biden who he is so that he may help us rid ourselves of the heavy albatross of destruction and hate that is Trump.

Like the GI's who liberated the concentration camps in WWII, I would say if I believed, that the man Joe Biden is here to take this awful burden of Trump off from around our necks. I would say if I believed, that things like that can happen. That is how I feel today. I have hope I did not have before. Joe Biden, make this miracle come true. Crush the evil in our midst that is Trump and make me believe. Make me believe so that we may never hear from the spiritually ugly, corrupt and profane man named Trump or anyone like him ever again.

Monday, March 02, 2020

An ode to mortality - My Comment

My Comment: The statement below is a very clever poem written by a blogger and contains, I think, some truth. It is worth reading.  

It is ironic that a microscopic entity here since life on earth began is now bringing the world to a crawl and forcing the big powerful big brained man and oftentimes ecological bully to his knees.  Will man's big brain allow him/her ultimately in Darwinian fashion to survive?  Time will tell the outcome of this nasty biological entity that holds the fate of man as yet unseen in its hands.

The Poem:

The sideswipe of disaster Was bound to come one day We thought it would be warfare

Or a strike from outer space

Instead the smallest of us Those we cannot see Know that we have done enough To bring Earth to her knees

So they’re rising up to save her (it’s their home too you see) To reassert their power And cull us with disease

They’ve been around since life began While we but late arrived They know the way survival works As we still stumble blind

They’ve decided we’re too many And numbers must reduce Our skill at procreation Must now end our lease

The microscopic creatures For whom we shed no tear Are cutting down our evil ways And reducing us to fear

Suddenly our world is slowed By unseen policing hands Our  destruction of the planet Must cease by their command

Now we dare not touch each other Or follow travel’s tide We cannot strike our enemy Only use a mask to hide

The things that made us wealthy Our ships and aeroplanes Are now being used against us To spread disease’s bane

So our commerce of pollution Must be put on hold For fear the bugs will find us And leave our bodies cold

Raising  ourselves up as gods That never was our due To take their world as property we had no right to do.

Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

  I watched the Democratic convention last evening until my body's demand for sleep overtook me around midnight.  Having followed thin...