Monday, October 21, 2019

Let's get real about Tulsi Gabbard!

If you are anti Trump as I am do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT vote for a third party candidate like Tulsi Gabbard or Jill Stein. I don't care how convincing their arguments are that Clinton lost on her own. Bull pucky. Third Party candidates like a Ralph Nader or a Jill Stein lose it for the Democratic progressive candidates period end of story. DO NOT DO IT IF YOU LOATHE, DETEST AND HATE DONALD TRUMP. IF YOU DO VOTE DO SO FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY NOMINEE!!!

  • There is talk that Russian bots are posting for Tulsi Gabbard solely to give Donald Trump the win. Say NO to a third party candidate that is solely there to hand a victory to Donald Trump. Think historically how much better things would have been with an Al Gore presidency which Nader negated -- All those lives lost in Iraq would be living now and climate change would have been addressed. Jill Stein is a Russian bot too. How much better would we have been had Hillary taken the electoral college instead of the three million popular votes by which she won. THINK PRACTICALLY DO NOT NOT NOT VOTE FOR TULSI GABBARD.

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