Saturday, January 05, 2019


Mitch McConnell needs to be called out on his refusal to bring up the SIX bills that have already been passed by the house.

If the electorate gets pissed off enough which god almighty they should articles of impeachment will be filed.

This man is an existential threat to our nation, he is a threat to our markets and he is a global threat to the world.  There are thousands of federal workers either working for nothing or not getting paid and this mental midget is threatening that the Trump shutdown could do on for years. 

Garbage is piling up in our once beautiful parks, toilets are overflowing and people have died with no park rangers in sight.  Disease will come next because this gd border wall which is utterly unnecessary not to mention unethical the immoral of all immoral President Narcissist Sociopath has it in his sicko utterly inferior brain that he cannot hurt his base of about 25% of the electorate who are right wingnut extremist Nazis. 

This must stop by any means necessary. 

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