Tuesday, March 06, 2018


Facebook has its problems of that there can be no doubt but the purpose for which it was born few I think would say better that Facebook never existed.

I search every now and then for names of youth who may have meant something to me for good or not-so-good. I found an old boyfriend of mine from 1970. I had some regrets as to how I treated a very intelligent and nice man who ended up being a philosophy professor. We met on the MBTA when I was reading the NYT. I think he was impressed at the time for a woman to be reading that paper. He came over to me and we chatted.

He was a lefty of that era as I was but I suppose as time went on I was not interested in him and was less than my usual sweet (I jest) self. I regret that now as Facebook told me of his death. Damn! The moral of the story I suppose is life is shorter than one thinks and yes, to treat others as you would want to be treated yourself even if you do not want to marry them.

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