Friday, February 23, 2018

Trump announces sanctions against North Korea but not Russia?

What about the sanctions against Russia that Congress approved? Drumpf is not signing the bill for those sanctions. Why? It falls into the other categories of kissing Putin but not punishing him for ANYTHING. What is that all about? I think most know.

Oh let's not take advantage of the thaw between North and South Korea after over 50 years of an anxiety ridden hair trigger boundary stare off between the two. South Korea is right in the bullseye of a nuclear North attack. Unless Trump thinks that he himself is threatened he does not give a damn about anyone else. What Cretan did Drumpf's mother produce? He is evil in the flesh.  If I were a religious Christian I would say he is the devil incarnate but I'm not so I'll just stick to the fact that he rose from the primordial slime and is the very swamp he mendaciously promised he would drain. Can't drain it if your part OF it! UGLY!...


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