Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Realityland -- mendacious merchants of mayhem and greed

We know Republicans and especially Trump lie and they lie all the time.  Here is the reality world analysis of the mammoth tax cut for the rich they just passed and not the fantasy land analysis that Donald Trump and his Republicans say it is. 

Trump and his merry men are selling this latest legislative horror as a tax cut for the middle class and called it the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017."  Unless you have been living on Pluto you know that is a lie.  It is most definitely not a tax cut for the middle class but It is a humongous tax cut for the 2% wealthiest and an ultimate tax increase for the middle class and the poor.  It most definitely will not, as trickle down economics never does, create jobs.  The tax cuts for the rich are for corporations where they have slashed the rate for them from 35% down to 21%.  This humongous cut for corporations along with other giveaways to the rich like the Estate Tax repeal and as the Washington Post said "talking about closing the loophole of "carried interest" isn’t the same as closing it" which they didn't.  This horrific tax bill will add 1.5 trillion dollars to the deficit.   Someone has to pay for it.  The question is who or what.

You may think Republicons hate deficits and, of course, they say they do.  Because they say they do when the deficit balloons 1.5 trillion dollars more because of the tax cut Republicans will try to say they must cut spending to fill the hole since deficits according to Republicanland are so bad.  Where do you think Republicans will want to go to fill the tax cut hole in the evil deficit they themselves exploded?  Will they cut the military source of our greatest spending?  No. They will never advocate for a trimming the military's budget since Republicans have never found a war they did not like to send our troops in which to die.  Wars cost money .... big money.

Naturally, Republicans will say the deficit they raised must be cut by trimming "entitlements."   I loathe that word "entitlements" because if you are receiving Social Security and Medicare you did not take a handout rather you paid for it when you worked.  No matter, Republicans will try to convince you that these must be cut or even eliminated in favor of block grants or whatever pro Wall Street Ayn Randian bs thing they can come up with in their life-long attempt at privatizing everything.  Why would they want to do that?  Simple answer Republicans do NOT let me repeat NOT care about you, your retirement or your health and as George Carlin said "at all, at all, at all."  "They are", he said "coming for it all and", he said, "they'll get it, they'll get all of it!"  Again Youtube George Carlin's "American Dream" to get in touch with perceptive Realityland.

I want those, who experienced in 2007 the Great Recession, to imagine if Social Security and Medicare were not available to you?  The answer is you would die and who would care?  Surely not Republicans.  They do not care a whit about you.  Now understand that following great economic booms like we are in now is often a bust in the form of a Great Recession or even if severe enough another Great Depression.  This takes time to happen and I think one should make no mistake that it will and it may even be worse than the 1929 Great Depression as Trump has seen fit to executive order all regulations out of everywhere with tax cuts for the wealthiest 2%.  What could possibly go wrong with a Wall Street unchained?

Do not be fooled by these mendacious merchants of mayhem and greed.  The tax cut for which they just voted is not for you it's for them, their family's inheritance, their buddies on Wall Street and the corporate donors that keep their cash coffers overflowing with pay for play cash so Congresspersons can stay in power.  They did it for their donors who demanded it or else.  Or else what?  Or else they pull their money from them.  Welcome to Citizen's United America an America that does not care about, as Jesus said, the least of these.  They do care about the richest of these though and you can take that reality to the bank!

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