Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Just in case the coward named "Anonymous" checks my blog even though some of what he/she said has some credence if it is infused with vitriol and makes an outrageous claim like the Democratic Party is filled with rich people then I will not print it.

What and the Republicon Party is the party of the poor?  Get real.  To get printed on my blog the opposition must have a well thought out retaliatory ideas which are not laced with personal invective.  Since the Republicon Party is FILLED to the brim with know nothings I am not surprised that the opposition that is hurled at my point of view is not particularly cogent.

Posting as Anonymous too shows a lack of backbone to stick up for your own point of view.

Just so you will know why not much is published is because very little commentary is levied in good faith, well thought out and articulate.  There is of course not an articulate bone in the entire Republicon Party!  When there is please feel free to comment and I will publish it.

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