Thursday, September 06, 2012

A Convention of Excellence. Quick Thoughts too on the Religious Plank

GREAT, FABULOUS, convention the most wonderful I have ever in decades seen and I watched it all. ALL the speakers were terrific but special kudos to the First Lady and of course to President William Jefferson Clinton the Magnificant. 

At first I was upset that they put the plank for religion and for Jerusalem as Israel's capital in the platform NOT because I don't support Israel because I do emphatically but because I wanted religion OUT of the state and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a VERY incendiary issue. If our goal is peace we MUST appreciate and understand every side. Still the president rules and he does things that he KNOWS will be good for the Party and his re-election. The Repubicans would have made hay out of this. It takes the wind out of their sails as if their sailboat has not crashed on the rocks anyway.

I changed my mind. Glad they put it in. We need to win, the country needs us and the world wants us. 

Kudos too to the MSNBC team -- they are the best of the absolute best INCLUDING even the conservative analysis of Steve Schmidt. Twer conservatives like he remenicinet of a time I could talk to a Republican. It is hard to do that now. 

 I was MESMERIZED by the convention. Thank you Democratic Party for NOT letting us down.

Work for and Re-elect the president and of course the great Elizabeth Warren for US Senate!


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Democratic Presidential Convention--On to November

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