Some clarifications are in order concerning the email I sent last evening, “What Mormonism Won’t Tell You.” It was sent late at night and I did not scrutinize every word. As sometimes is the case syntax and even content suffer. I offer a short caveat.
The content of Mormon tenets is SO utterly mind numbing and the possibility of Romney, the 10% tither-in-chief to the Mormon Church, winning the presidency is so real that the content of this faith he has worked hard to spread must be examined. The email I copied and sent was, however, taken from a mainstream Christian site. I, of course, do not subscribe to any organized religion's attempt to brainwash masses of people.
“The Things Mormons Won't Tell You” enumerated in my email are correct but it was stated by others as if alternative sects of Christianity are true. I do not believe that either. One must scrutinize ALL belief most especially if a candidate who may win the presidency wants to spread that belief and entwine religion with the state, exactly what most of our Founders did NOT want.
Other sects of Christianity (and every other belief system) possess contradictory text as well but Mormon belief is so bizarre it strains beyond reason the boundaries of credulity. The tenets of Mormonism because of Romney’s attempt to attain the presidency must see the light of day. It further emphasizes one party's attempt to offer up this Mormon man Romney for the presidency of ALL of us. Therefore, his desire to spread his belief system needs further examination. It is not only that he is a Mormon it is that he truly believes these inanities and spent two years of his life in France avoiding service in Vietnam to promulgate them!
Romney continues to tithe 10% of his salary (a hefty sum) to his church. Further, his church is STILL considered a "non profit" organization getting tax exempt status while clearly promoting Republican candidates and Republican extremist ideology which was heavily involved in upholding California’s Prop. 8 striking down gay marriage. Romney is a candidate who wants to mix religion with state and has said so.
I leave it to YOU to decide who the better candidate is – our president who separates church and state or this phony liar Romney who wears the magic underwear himself. No wonder he lies with such ease? Who could hurt him while wearing his Superman suit? Where is the kryptonite when one needs it? The kryptonite should be your own questioning mind to defeat this man vying for the presidency, the most powerful office in the land, and thereby render him powerless!
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