Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama mostly victorious on Arizona immigration law--one vote USE IT OR LOSE it!

This decision today on Arizona's draconian immigration law is an 85% WIN for Obama. Law enforcement CANNOT simply arrest anyone because they think he has brown skin and is illegal but rather they can check immigration status only IF another crime has been committed and they cannot hold someone AD INFINITUM while they "check."

Moreover, the Court allowed revisiting S.B. 1070 or the "papers please" Arizona law once this abhorrent-to-humanitarians-everywhere law goes into effect. The entire thing COULD be gutted as it is not the state's prerogative it is the Federal Government's domain. The state is NOT a sovereign entity in and of itself. Remember, we had a civil war to PROTECT the union. States cannot go around wily nily doing there own thing whether it's segregation OR immigration!!! Scalia and his four other merry men are utterly off base. Well, we knew that anyway.

To get back to a union of the people one nation and NOT for the corporation over human beings who have no money the conservative AT LEAST FOUR OLD MEN (FDR called his wrecking crew SCOTUS of the New Deal his nine old men) on this court they must be replaced!! To do that by law we MUST have a Congress willing NOT to be obstructionist when our Democratic president (I hope) replaces other justices. We need an ALL blue Congress and a Democratic president because the Republican Party is the party of oligarchic extremists. We need to get HUGE money OUT of politics, make a corporation NOT a person and protect the civil rights of human beings. Now at this moment in history it is ONLY the Democratic Party that is the vehicle to do this! Replace the House and turn it blue, keep the Senate and of course re-elect the president!!!

BTW, just thinkin, if a corporation is a person does not that mean that an individual gets TWO votes IF he is a member of a corporation--one as an individual and one as a corporation to influence politics by HUGE money which the average person does not have? We should have but one vote -- USE IT!

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  I wrote this last week and for the most part sat on it because I did not want my writing to imply anything against Israel. As stated agai...